Chapter 86 Optional Scence

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This is an entirely optional explicit scene to follow Chapter 86 of Milkshake Hearts. It is not necessary for the overall story to make sense. Do not read if you are underage.


She may not have the ability to shift them off the couch towards their bedroom as she had hoped, but Courtney can certainly progress their entanglement in other ways - so she does. She presses her tongue in his mouth, giving soft moans as his hands wander messily across her and he kisses her back with just as much desire. She runs her nails slowly down his back, both palms stilling when they land on his ass. She squeezes, the groan he gives in response spurring her on to lift the knee she had resting between his legs and pressing up against his crotch.

"So you missed touching me too huh?" Shayne jokes, pulling back up off her when they have to break their making out for a moment to catch their breaths.

"Of course I did," she shoots back, teasing smile growing as she reaches down to palm his increasingly visible erection through his pants. It causes him to groan, and she uses his momentary distraction to twist out from under him. She stands up off the couch, hand reaching out to grab his hand and tug him up, too. He lets her pull him up, but he very quickly leans down and picks her up into his arms to carry her to their bed.

"I assume you know because it's so cliché but holy hell it's hot when you just pick me up like that," Courtney mumbles, arms wrapping loosely around his neck before she leans in close to press a sharp kiss against the juncture of his shoulder and neck as he carries her. He murmurs his appreciation, setting her gently on the bed before removing his own jacket.

"Missed touching you too, for the record," he tells her, settling himself back down on top of her on the bed, "I missed you in so many ways, most of them very PG, but fuck I missed touching you."

"Then touch me, idiot," she grins, grabbing his hand and pointedly moving it to the base of her own shirt. He laughs, although he gets the message, pulling up ever so slightly to pull her shirt up and over her head, quickly discarding it off the edge of the bed as his hands find themselves sliding up across her ribcage towards the base of her bra.

"I never get used to how fucking beautiful you are," he tells her, eyes running up her body alongside his hands, although when his hands stop over her chest they continue until they meet hers.

"Feel like evening the field a little and letting me see more of your beautiful self?" Courtney answers, tugging at the base of his shirt. His hands slide under her back, lifting her up into a sitting position as he too sits up. She pulls his shirt over his head and off, and he undoes the clasp on her bra to let it fall to the bed. He glances at it for a moment, before throwing it off the side of their bed.

"What was that?" She grins.

"I know you got two like that and one of them is one of the fancy ones I gotta be more careful with but that wasn't, right?" He confirms, Courtney laughing and nodding in confirmation.

"You know all my bras and you try to take care of them even when you're trying to get your hands on my chest? So cute," she teases, watching as he blushes, giving a quiet 'of course' before his hands do land on her breasts and send her attention elsewhere.

For her part, Courtney pulls him into a firm kiss, hands scraping down his chest until she reaches the top of his pants and starts undoing the button and zipper.

"You ever not wear long pants boy? You really do make it harder for me to undress you," Courtney huffs as she pulls said pants down over his hips.

"I could just walk around naked if you want easier access?" he offers, with a laugh, Courtney pausing what she's doing to playfully punch his shoulder.

"Stupid, stupid boy... I'd never get anything done. Except you," she mutters, before a particularly sharp press of his lips against her neck and a tweak of her nipple brings her attention firmly back to what they are doing.

She succeeds in removing his pants and boxers, and he looks pointedly at her when he too struggles to remove her own long pants.

"It's almost winter," she debates.

"We live in LA," he shoots back, incredulous, before shifting down her body to finish discarding her underwear, too. He brings his face to her, and she lets her fingers reach down to knot in his hair as she laughs openly.

"God I missed you," she reminds him, gasping softly at the press of his tongue between her legs. His hands grip her hips to hold her still as he eats her out, gentle scrapes of his teeth matched by firm licks and light sucking until she comes, groaning as her eyes slam closed and her head tilts back against the pillow under it. Shayne groans, too, lapping up her cum until she pulls him up to her with a hand locking in his own on her hip.

"What you want?" She asks him, gently, when his body weight is again comfortably held over her own.

"Ride me?" he requests, a little shy, but it quickly turns to a smirk as Courtney responds.

"Oh yes please," she murmurs, grinning widely as she flips him over and sits up on his chest, "thought we were past you being coy about what you want?"

"I know, I know," he replies, before firm hands return to their place on her hips to lift her up ever so slightly, prompting her to move back to rub her own wetness across his hard length.

"Oh, fuck," she gasps out when his head brushes against her still-sensitive clit, lifting herself up off him only to take him and guide his penis inside her as she sinks back down on it. They both groan as he enters her, Courtney moving one hand to grip his where it rests at her hip before they both start moving.

Shayne is almost surprised at how long he lasts, given how damn excited he feels to be inside her again, but Courtney comes for a second time as he gently rubs her clit and decidedly thrusts up into her as she moves over him. it's only as she leans forward on her hands, resting on the bed either side of his shoulders, to recover from her own orgasm that he feels his own rush over him.

"Fuck, I'm gonna-" he groans, Courtney grinning and grinding back down against him as his thrusts still and he comes inside her.

"Shayne, baby," she murmurs appreciatively at the feeling of him filling her.

"Fuck, Courtney," he responds with a deep sigh, reluctantly pulling out of her as he comes down from his high.

"Love you," she tells him, her sharp grip against him turning soft and gentle as they shift into a more comfortable position curled against each other.

"Love you too, my beautiful, sexy, perfectangel," he replies. 

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