°2 movie date (plot)

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you wake up on your own time this morning, it was Saturday so you had no work, as you sat up you could hear noise coming from your phone, you were still on call with jeni, you had called eachother every night but every morning she would always be the first one awake and would always end the call, you didn't see the point in ending it, all you were doing was staying in bed. You get up and grab your laptop then get back into bed, loading up minecraft and joining you and jenis world together, you decided at the start of the year that you were going to add to the world every day and see how it looks at the end of the year. Jeni didn't join every day but you did, even if its just adding one flower or building something, you wanted to add to it. As you walk around in game for a few minutes rustling could be heard from your phone, you look over to see jeni picking up her phone and realising your still on call "good morning" you chirp, happy that jeni is awake now, she replies with a groggy good morning, rubbing the sleep from her eyes "what are you doing?" She asks, still sleepy "just adding a few things to our minecraft world" you reply, she lights up "I'll join but i have to shower first" she says as she gets up to leave.

She takes her phone with her, still on call with you, out places it down near the sink and turns her camera off, as you hear the water start to hit the shower floor, you can't help but feel your face heat up. You shake your head and carry on with your game, she always showers on calls with you, get it together its fine, your just tired. As soon as it started it ended, you hear the shower turn off and the sound of jeni changing, shortly after her camera is back on "hi!" She exclaimed, more awake now "hello" you reply, still slightly flustered with confusion as to why your face heated up "you alright n/n?" She asked, you quickly nodded, smiling.

Jeni got back into bed and opened her laptop, loading up minecraft and quickly joining the game, you played for about an hour "im gonna go and grab something to eat" she says, leaving the game "same then" you reply, also leaving and heading downstairs, both your mum and dad are in work right now so your home alone, you grab something quickly then head to the living room, you both eat in comfortable silence as you search Netflix for something to watch "howls moving castle?" You ask yourself "HOWLS MOVING CASTLE??" came from jenis end "im taking you know it?" You ask, humoured "yes of course i know it, i am cultured" she says, laughing "should i watch it?" You ask, already knowing the answer, your met with a many excited and desperate yes'.

*time skip to end of movie*

"That was actually pretty good" you say as jeni agrees "we'll have to watch it when you come over" she says, smiling. You can't help but blush slightly, you dont know why but the thought of just sitting with jeni and watching a movie made your heart race "yeah we should" you say, trying to hide your blush, you turn the television off and go back upstairs "it would be like a movie date haha" she says, you look at her, confused "hm?" "When we watch films together, it'll be like a date" she replies, you freeze, trying form words "y-yeah i guess haha" you turn away, pretending to do something off camera so she wouldn't see your flustered face "yeah like a platonic date" she says, smiling "yeah" you reply, you can't help but feel hurt by her words, why though? You're friends, best friends, of course it's platonic.. still hurt though.

You stayed on call with jeni for a few more hours, forgetting the pain of past conversations "im gonna go hop in the shower real quick" you say, getting up, jeni just nods as you get your stuff ready. You get to the bathroom, placing your phone down next to the sink, just like jeni does, you turn your camera off and start to undress, getting into the shower you feel the water hit your back and run down your body, its soothing and gives you time to think, why did i get upset when she said platonic? Why do i keep getting flustered around her? What the fuck happened when she was showering? What if she gets flustered too? Like right now, when im in the shower.. you decide its better if you don't think about it, its just silly. You get out of the shower and dry off, get dressed and go back to your room. Jeni just looks the same as always, happy and content, not flustered, not freaking out, normal, its just you.

Jeni's pov

i watched as y/n picked up their phone and made there way to the bathroom, i watched them turn their camera off and hear their cloths hit the floor and the shower turns on, i feel my face heat up but simply ignore it, its been happening alot recently, I've just been ignoring it though, its nothing. They usually shower for longer than i do so it gives me time to think, why did i say that earlier? Fucking 'movie date'? They're going to think im weird, they sounded so caught off guard when i said it, i made them uncomfortable, i think it's okay now i said it's platonic though, of course it's platonic, we're friends, best friends, so why am i getting so worked up? They sounded so offended when i said date though, i get it, we're friends... still hurt though.

Normal POV

You got into bed again and opened your laptop again, opened YouTube and started playing videos, jeni does the same and you both sit there in comfortable silence for the rest of the night, you thought there was still some tension there but its probably just you, you both end up falling asleep on call like always, like best friends do.

Nothing about this is supposed to be sexual its simply being flustered okay, i would never sexual jeni.

Also me n jeni are friends so 🧍🏻‍♀️ this was lowkey a joke but now I'm kinda getting into it lmao ok bye ty for reading

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