°6 the meetup (plot,fluff)

22 1 12

You wake up Monday morning, almost 8am, you had set your alarm for 8am so you could have an hour to get ready but it obviously wasn't needed. You're still on call with jeni, you decide to end the call, not wanting to disrupt her sleeping with your morning routine. You make your way to the bathroom, phone in hand. Its always cooler in the mornings, but you know its only going to get warmer as the day goes on so you try to appreciate the calm bliss of the morning, opening a window in the bathroom slightly, letting the cool morning air poor into the room. You knew the morning was going to be cut short by a long drive, the car was probably going to be scolding, the grimace at the idea of sitting in it for hours and immediately hop in the shower, taking in the fresh feeling and washing off the uncomfortable heat from last night that lingered on your skin.

As you showered you thought about how this week would go, the constant heat made it hard to focus on anything so this was a good opportunity to plan it out in your head. You had planned on staying there Monday to Monday, today was mainly travelling and settling in, leaving seven days to spend with jeni doing actual activities. Your birthday was on Friday, jeni said she had something secret planned for it, you kind of wanted to know but didn't want to pry at her and the idea of a surprise is kind of fun.

As you got out of the shower you could hear your dad getting up, you check the time, its around 8:30am. You head to your room and start looking for what your going to wear, you already had an outfit in mind but it wasn't exactly summer appropriate. You opted for an outfit that had short sleeves and shorts, this would be fine just for the car and you will change once you arrive. As you put a few extra things in a backpack, your dad calls for you to bring your suitcase down, you were going to be there for a week and didn't want to run out of options. You quickly throw in your chargers and laptop, a few other things and head downstairs. You drop your bag and suitcase off by the door, checking your phone as you head back upstairs to check that you've got everything. You look in your drawers and cupboard just incase theres anything you forgot, as your scanning the clothes you realise you forgot to bring any hoodies, it is pretty hot but a few hoodies wouldn't hurt, late nights out are still chilly so you never know, you grab one and head downstairs, your dad sees you "you ready to go?" He asks looking at you carrying your hoodie. You not and grab your backpack, your dad carries your suitcase.

You've been on the road for about an hour now and can already feel the heat in the car rise, you roll down a window and feel the cool air hit your face. Your dad is playing something on the radio whilst also listening to the GPS giving directions, you put your earphones in and scroll through social media, seeing that jeni is online you shoot her a simple good morning message and then switch to tiktok. You aimlessly scroll through your following page and your met by a video of jeni, she's just sitting by her window lip sincing to a cute song, as you watch the brunette sing and smile the caption catchs your eye, "i have a special surprise for today :)" is all it says, surprise? Oh wait me? Im the special surprise? You can feel the heat rise in your face and you can't help but feel a smile tug at your lips.

Your POV
It's been a few hours now and theres only around 20 minutes left of the drive, dad stopped a few times for fuel and food, it was taking forever, for some reason i was really nervous, i knew deep down i was but i wasn't feeling overwhelmed, i have rarely spoken to jeni today. I think im suppressing how im feeling because it's so overwhelming, im going to be meeting my best friend in a few minutes, then staying at her house for a week. I was staring out of a window, not really paying attention until i heard my dad chirp "i didn't know jeni lived by the sea?" Confused, i look out the window and realise we're driving past the coast, the beach was basically empty, to be fair its Monday morning i don't expect much. I spoke to my dad for a while, until i noticed we're in a quiet town, i look around at people going about there mornings through my window as we turn into a street "this is it" my dad exclaims, he drives down the street to the house on the end, i feel my nerves build and grab my phone to text jeni "guess who bitch" i laugh to myself at my message and see the door to the house open after my message is seen the second the car stopped im out, seeing jeni run towards me with her arms out and reciprocate the excitement. She holds me in a tight embrace her arms around my wasit and mine on her shoulders, her head rests the crook of my neck and i can feel her warm breath against me, neither of us let go as i hear my dad and her mum talking behind us, she finally lets go "oh my god oh my god y/n oh my god its actually you" she exclaims, a wide grin sprawled across her face "the one and only" i reply, i mentally cringe at that one but it makes her laugh. I turn to grab my bags but realise her arms are still around me, i look down and smile "jen i gotta grab my stuff" i huff as i see her face turn slightly pink "oh yeah sorry" she replies, letting go. I grab my stuff and wave my dad off, he leaves and we all go inside, the house is clean and well decorated, jeni grabs me and immediately brings me upstairs to her room. I place my bags down and look around, its so.. pink, it suits her. She sits on her bed and pats the space next to her inviting me, i walk over, laughing "ive only been her for 5 minutes and you're already tryna get me in bed" i exclaim as i sit down, she nudges me and laughs "freak" she exclaims, huffing a laugh. We sat there for a few minutes, just talking, i thought it would be awkward but it feels so.. normal? Like this is supposed to happen, like this is the norm, i guess it kind of is, we call all the time so we're always talking but this is different, she's physically here, not just a bunch of pixels.

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