°7 a sunrise (plot, fluff, romance)

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oh god ugh

I wake up to the morning sun glaring through the window onto the crowded bed, the rays hitting my face. As I move myself to avoid the glaring light I am made aware of the brunette laying on me, I feel the heat rise to my face, the sun not helping my situation. I feel my hair matted to my skin from the sweat, I grimace at my uncomfortable situation.

I eye up my phone that rests on the windowsil, I reach an awkward arm up as an attempt to grab it. I feel jeni stir next to me, my breath hitches and I stop, turning to see if I've awoken her. She goes back to her peaceful sleeping and I manage to nab my phone.


I sigh, turning off my phone and resting it on my chest. I lightly laugh to myself how am I gonna get out of here? I think to myself, a bit of humour lacing my thoughts. I begin to move, slowly, fearing that I may wake the brunette next to me. She begins to stir in her sleep, uh oh, she turns over from me and I take the opportunity to get away, gingerly lifting my still tired body from the bed. I'd like to stay in bed with her and enjoy the moment but I am so gross right now I wouldn't put her through that.

I grab some clothes and make my way to her bathroom, trying my best to be quiet. It's rather cool in the mornings, I soak in the bliss that is the cold air that filters the house. I get to the bathroom, immediately opening the window to the small room. I'm hesitant to shower, I know she wouldn't mind but I feel like I should ask but I'm not given that option. I shake the thought, lock the door and begin to undress. I catch myself in the mirror, the sweat that covers my body is glistening in the sun light that beams through the window, I grimace and turn away, making my way into the shower.

It was nice to feel the cool water hit my skin and run down my body, the cool air hitting me too. I begin to wash the nights heat away, thinking about what we will do today. I don't mind if we just stayed inside, I enjoy any time I spend with her.

I turn the water off and begin to dry myself, I can already feel it getting hotter outside. I grab my phone.


She's probably awake now, I thought to myself. I begin to get dressed, it's simple because of the heat but still matches my aesthetic. I grab my dirty clothes and towel, drying my hair as I make my way back to her room. I walk in and glance over to her bed, I jump slightly as I'm met with jeni sitting up in bed, staring at me as I walk in.

"Jesus fucking Christ" I exclaim, humour lacing my voice. "Morning" "good morning jeni" I reply, you can tell she's still tired by her quiet voice. "Did u shower?" She asks, I stop "uh yeah  if that's alright" I reply "why wouldn't it be, you can do what you like here" she reassured, I nodded a thank you and sat on the floor by the full length mirror after my grabbing my bag. I begin to search it, grabbing some jewellery and makeup, I gingerly apply the makeup, not wanting it to be so heavy in this heat. I wear minimal jewellery, I layer smaller necklaces and a bracelet, I slide of a couple of rings too. I leave my hair to continue to air dry. As I do so, jeni makes her way out the door and I can only assume to use the bathroom, she ruffled my hair as she walked passed. A small rose colour tinted my cheeks as she left.

As I look at myself in the mirror, I notice that my face is sun-kissed, probably from the hours we spent watching the sea from that cliff. I grab my phone and check my notifications.

The woman, the bitch, the legend -
9+ unread messages

Sophie, a humoured sigh escapes my lips, I open her messages to be met with ecstatic questions about how the meetup with jeni is going, I shoot her a  good morning and a brief explanation of the events of yesterday. She doesn't reply, she's probably still sleeping knowing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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