°5 heat waves type beat (plot)

14 1 2

*one week time skip*

You wake up, its Sunday morning. You're meeting jeni tomorrow, it was all you could think about, your stomach was doing flips at the thought of it. At this point, it was very obvious that yes, you do indeed like jeni, but its nothing serious. It'll probably go away soon right right?

You get up and head to the bathroom to shower, you and jeni didn't end up calling last night so you had some time to yourself. Not that you didn't enjoy jeni's company, it's just that you find yourself only thinking of her whenever you call her, so i break from the frustration and butterflies would be nice. As you showered you tried to think about what you're going to do today, but everytime you try your mind immediately goes back to jeni, maybe because you're meeting her tomorrow, that makes sense you're just excited, that's all.

You get out of the shower and change, making your way downstairs to get something to eat. You go to the living room and find something to watch on the television, but you can't help but feel like something is off, this empty, lonely feeling that lingered in the air, what's missing? The feeling was bugging you, it wasn't like something was physically missing, but you can't help but feel alone. You try to distract yourself from the awful feeling by watching something on TV.

Your watching was shortly interrupted by a buzzing noise coming from your phone, you look over and check to see what it was, it's jeni.

Instagram DM's

Hey good morning!

Heyy good morning

Can we call?

Uh nm

K cool



You immediately get an incoming call from jeni, you answer and are greeted by her sweet voice chirping a sweet hello, the awful feeling from before slowly draining away. Jeni always made you feel better, she's just a genuine person, she genuinely cares and knows how to make people feel wanted and needed. God she's perfect, you carry on talking for a while, "so how's tomorrow gonna work out?" She asks "uh well my dad is gonna drive me there, we're leaving at 9am so i can get there before 12pm, probably around 11-ish" you reply, replaying the conversation with your father in your head, "ah ok that works, it's a shame you live so far away though" she replies, even though it's sad, you can't help but find it cute "yeah i know, but atleast we have a week together" you reply, it does suck not being able to live closer, but atleast you're both in the UK, this wouldn't be impossible if you lived anywhere else, but it would definitely be a struggle.

You stay on call for a while, talking about your plans for the week, something about a beach and movies, out and about in town and few other things, you don't really mind what you do, as long as it's with jeni it's going to be perfect.

jeni's pov

Im so excited to finally meet them, it's all I've been thinking about i just can't get them off my mind, tomorrow seems so far away though. I've liked them for a while though, i don't think i should tell them anytime soon because i don't think they would like me back, what if i ask them and they say no, or even worse they say yes out of pity, i just don't want to ruin the friendship, they're my best friend i don't want to lose what we have now become of s stupid crush. Just thinking about spending a day with them is overwhelming, i get butterflies just thinking about it, but it's going to be a whole week, oh my God a whole week, they're going to be sleeping in my room with me, for a week, i get to be with them for seven days.. oh my god.

Normal POV

You were still on call, in comfortable silence, jeni seemed to be lost in thought, you just admired her. Your admiring was stopped by jeni "hey uh by the way we're gonna have to share my bed, it's a double so it should be fine" she asked, looking up at you through the camera. Your breath hitched, sharing a bed with jeni, you stumbled over your words trying to respond but jeni spoke before you "i could always sleep on the sofa if you don't wanna share" she says, smiling though looking slightly hurt "oh n-no wait yeah sharing is fine" you say, still processing the whole situation, her face lights up "oh ok cool" she exclaims, looking more content.

You stayed on call for a while, it was getting late, you usually end up falling asleep later than this time but you had to be up earlier and had a few hours drive ahead of you in the morning, you and jeni both decided it would be better to sleep earlier. You both got ready for bed, as usual, you put your phone down next you.

It's been an hour now, jeni is seemingly asleep, but you just cannot sleep, it was already summer but the break only starts tomorrow. It has been warming up over the past few weeks, the nights were always the worst, constantly twisting and moving, flipping pillows trying to get some sort of relief, nothing worked. With the windows open, a fan on the go and you being no where near a blanket, you still felt like you were on fire, it was frustrating, everything felt all foggy in your mind, your tired, it's hot and your still hung up on jeni, its not working out too well for you. The anticipation for tomorrow wasn't much help either, she is all you can think about. How am i going to spend an entire week sleeping in the same bed as jeni when i can't even cope in my own?? Maybe the heat was messing with your thoughts and feelings, you're just frustrated that's all, its definitely not because you're desperately in love with her, no never of course not, even if you did like her that much it wouldn't work out, she doesn't like you like that, the relationship you have now is completely fine, you are both content with it, you wouldn't want to ruin the friendship. It would be nice to call her mine though..

Sorry for the slow updates i lowkey forgot i was writing this 👁👁 m e ways ty for reading


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