°4 fancy her (plot)

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*two week time skip*

The last two week's seemed like they lasted for months, you couldn't wait to see jeni in a week but it felt so far away. You were on call with jeni like usual, she was doing her makeup and you were just admiring her, you just couldn't help it, she's so beautiful and talented. You still feel overwhelmed when talking to her, or thinking about her. Every time she would look over at you through the phone, you couldn't help but smile. You and jeni sat in comfortable silence for the mosy part, random topics coming up here and there, nothing serious. "Hey n/n?" Jeni asks, not looking away from her mirror, still doing her makeup "yeah?" You replied "have you started packing? I know its early but you know" the brunette asks, smiling "uh not really, i have a few things in mind that i want to bring but im not really sure haha" you reply, still watching her in awe "well you should probably bring something you could wear to the beach or in water" she says, awaiting your answer "why would i need that?" "I live really close to the shore, we can go down there one day when you're here" she replies, smiling "oh? Oh ok yeah sure, that would be fun" you exclaim, you never really like the sea, but you would do anything to spend time with jeni.

Later on in the call, jeni was filming a few tiktoks so you took the opportunity to see if you had anything you could wear to the beach, you end up finding a swimsuit in your favourite colour, you set it aside and get back to the call, jeni was done filming and going through them to see what to post first. "What were you doing whilst i was filming?" She asks, not looking away from her phone "oh i was looking for something i could wear for the beach, like you said" you reply, looking over to the swimwear "oh yeah? What did you find?" She asks, looking up at you through the ipad. You hold up the piece, showing it to her "oh cool, y/f/c always looked good on you" (your favourite colour) she says, smiling at you. You feel your face heat up at her words, you can only spew out a flustered thank you as you put it back, she looks back at her phone, looking smug. Did she do that on purpose?

You stay on call all through the night, playing a bit of minecraft and just some friendly banter, you liked nights like this. It was comforting to have jeni there with you, even if she isn't physically there, it was still nice. All you could think about is what it will be like in a weeks time, you can finally see jeni in person, be with her and feel her. The thought of this made you flustered and overwhelmed why am i feeling this? Ive met friends in person before, why is jeni different? Why is- your thinking was interrupted by jeni "im gonna go shower" she says sweetly, picking up her phone, taking you with her, you hum in response. It gave you time to think when she showered, to think about why you were feeling this, this feeling was suffocating, overwhelming, you had spoken to sophie about this, she always insisted you like her, i mean of course you like her, you're best friends, you couldn't possibly fancy her. Could i? No, you couldn't fancy her, you're overreacting. You're friends and even thinking that would ruin the friendship, you were happy and content with just being friends. This was all too much to process now, this sounds like a problem for future me you thought, kinda true but you knew you were just ignoring it.

You were in bed now, jeni had showered and got dressed, you were both pretty tired, jeni was already drifting off so you tried to, you couldn't stop thinking about her though. Jeni had fallen asleep, she looked so peaceful, calm and soft. You took the opportunity to text some of your friends mainly sophie.

Instagram DM's

Hey bestie

Hey call?

Can't im on call with jeni

Ofc u r

Yk that thing i told u bout the other day

Yeh? The thinh with jeni

Yeah well its gotten worse and idk whats up with it

Srsly? U kno whats wrong but u keep ignoring it dude

I know i dont fancy her dude were friends and even if we did she wouldn't liek me like that so

How do u kno that? Maybe she does
Maybe shes feelin this 2

Well i know shes not
She always acts so normal around me yk she doesn't get all flustered n shit

Mayeb she does but u dont notice bc ur too focused on urself?

Stop now im overwhelmed again hhhhhh


Dude yk u like her
Ur in deep too lmao

No im not
Its just a silly crush thing i guess



Its okay if u like her yk

But she doesn't like me

R u serious
Y wouldn't she like u dude

Blocking u again

Dude im srs its v likely that she likes u
Even if she didn't ur still good friends

Yeah ig
N e ways imma sleep before i have a breakdown
Gn dickhead

Im ur wingman n this is the thx i get?
N e ways gn bitch




You turn your phone off and put down next to you, still on call with jeni, okay maybe you do like her, but its not serious and there's no way she likes you back. You're just friends, best friends, okay maybe you do like her a bit more than i little, a smidge if you will, god i am in so deep.. fuck.

ok im scared by the fact that people are reading this but ty n e ways 🧎‍♀️

1035 words

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