Hand holding {6)

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Song added: Oh Ana by mother mother

"Ibuki...are you sure this is a good idea?" Mikan wondered as she began to play with an uneven bunch of hair, Mioda had recommended a girls night with every girl from their class. Since Tsumiki had stared her relationship with Enoshima she had lost contact with well...almost everyone. Unless needed she didn't speak a word to them. It made her relationship with the class worse as the relationship carried on, growing to the boys. Sure most of them weren't close but it still hurt knowing she really didn't have anyone besides Mioda...it got to her quick, and she grew upset over it, so of course Ibuki was going to help her out. "Ibuki is positively 100% sure! Everyone misses talkin' to ya! So we gotta get you somewhere. We can start with Soina!" Ibuki saw as Mikan looked uncomfortable
She sighed "you look so nice when you smile...can you do that for me? I'll go with you if you'd like." Ibuki soften her usually loud voice, "no! I can do it...thanks though Mioda...you're too kind to me." The girl smiled as she slowly look for the blonde in the halls, Mioda following behind her to make sure she isn't going to get herself lost and as well as too watch her in awe. In all honesty she was impressed

The girl wondered until she found the girl she was looking for...she was walking, well more say speed walking towards god knows what. She was about to speak but suddenly she stopped, of course she didn't hate the idea..but she wanted it...with Junko.

Soina had jumped into Tanaka's arms, their hands quickly intertwining, Junko  never wanted to do such..or even hug for crying out loud. It made her upset..jealous some might say. She wanted what they had...her thoughts were interrupted by Mioda poking at her shoulder. "Earth to Mikan, you okay?" As much as she didn't want to admit it, Mioda really couldn't do much for helping. Mikan would just deny it.
The nurse shook her head then quickly turning it to face Mioda. "I'm all good...I'm sorry, I'll go right now!" She quickly bows and makes her way

"U-um...I'm sorr-sorry bu-t, c-can I s-spe-speak with you S-Soina..?" Mikan felt her heart drop as the princess looked like she was dreaming. A quick almost silence came besides the chatter from the halls. "O-oh! Oh my I am quite sorry Tsumiki! What is it you want to speak about?" Soina spoke with honesty, something she isn't used to. "I-um..Ibuki s-said that-that maybe-e we could h-have a-a girl-girls night..t-to bou-bound!" She tried sounding enthusiastic but it was hard, harder then usual. "Oh! I'd love to! Oh- can Tanaka come?" Mikan could tell Soina had never done this before..."my queen, I do believe the consent of this is to bound with other females?" Tanaka eyed the girl, trying to contain his soft smile. Why doesn't Junko look at her like that? Why, why, why, why?! She wants to be looked like that...is their love different? Yeah, yeah..but. She wants that love, not the love Junko shows her. Not that she doesn't enjoy it! She just wasn't...satisfied? Maybe. As the girl thought she heard a voice interrupt them "oh! Well...I'd love too! Can we discuss it with everyone after classes? Maybe at lunch? I'll inform everyone if you'd let me!" She appeared to be excited..the good! "M-mmh! Tha-That'd be-be o-okay with m-me!" Mikan smiled, the girls conversation interrupted by the loud bell ringing into everyone's ears. "Oh! Tsumiki we must be on our way, thank you for the chat!" Soina waved good bye before her and Tanaka made their way to wherever they needed to be.

Holding hands.

Even just the slightest gentle touch...that's all she wanted.

"Dollyyyy!!! You did it!! God I'm so proud of youuuuu" Mioda hugger the girl with a tight and firm grip. "Ah! Oh- thanks Ibuki.." she smiled but it quickly fading due to her having an idea,


"Can we hold hands to class?"

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