Rollar skates {8}

63 2 2

Song added: girls in bikini's
By: poppy
Happy reading💛

Ibuki's POV

Ever since that stupid kiss Tsumiki has been acting strange. She's more on edge somehow, I sigh as I look to see the teacher, as always writing little scribbles on the whiteboard while giving a lame speech. The classroom was filled with sounds of pencil led hitting the paper and other noises like coughs or someone sharpening a pencil...I began to make a little song in my head to pass time.

A loud bell struck my ears..ugh..getting up from my seat I began to make my leave, I began to untangle my earbuds I had in my pocket. I just put it on shuffle and just made my way to my locker

For some reason my phone had died..that's just my luck I guess. Well, at least I'm not like Souda who gets hit by trucks all the time..I giggle to myself

Picking out my books I'd need for my newest class of the afternoon I began to repeat the song that was previously playing into my ears

Girls in bikinis...
Girls in bikinis on roller skates, in outer space..

Those lyrics stuck to me. I couldn't finish the song...why would these ones be so impor-

roller skates.

"THAT'S IT!!" I slam my locker and quickly make my way towards where I know Tsumiki would be. The bathroom, she oddly likes to spend this period here. Probably because most of her bullies are in the class..

"MIKAN!!" I yell into the half closed stall to reveal the girl I was exactly looking for
"M-mioda?! Why..are you here?" She asked looking me up and down, it being a bit harder due to she was on the floor of the bathroom
"Do. You. Want. To. Go. Roller. Skating. With. Me?" I asked crouching down to her  "I-..but why? It's so sudden.." she leaned her head to the side in confusion
"Well dolly it's simple! You. Yes you, seem really over the Ibuki is going to be the good friend she is and make you feel better by havin' a lil' fun!!" She shouts sticking her tongue out to the side of her mouth while giving a simple peace sigh

Mikan though for a bit to give her final answer.
"Mmh...yeah, Mmh! I will.." she smiled softly at the girl in front of her "Kay kay let's goo!!" Mioda chuckled taking the wrists of the girl and pulling her up to her feet as gently as she could

"Now? But what if-" "ah ah ah! No 'what ifs'. You don't even go to class right now cause you skip it every time. So it shouldn't matter!" She giggled shaking the girls shoulders jokingly
"Mioda..I.." she looked down, the slight pressure beginning to show its self with small salty tears that sprinkled from her purple eyes
"Hey. Ibuki doesn't mean to make you've been on edge so Ibuki wants to treat you! Besides it's not that big of a deal if ya don't wanna go anymore.." Ibuki smiled at the girl, trying to comfort her as best she could
"Fine..I..I guess it wouldn't be that bad.." Mikan began to sob softly "heeey! No bad vibes right now! Come on let's get our stuff and run like we're being chased by bees!!" She shouted, quickly being shut up by Mikan's bandaged hand. "Please..try and keep your voice down.." Mikan smiled softly standing up wiping her tears, giggling softly


The two walked out of the big school, the wind swooshing the trees and the girls hair back and forth ever so slightly. It was peaceful.."Come on!! we gotta get to the train station so we can get a ride!" Ibuki smiled taking the girls shaking hand, pulling her ever so slightly "Miodaaa...please..stop dragging me.." she giggled as she saw the shock on her face "Okay one, Ibuki gots it! And two, high five for stickin' up for yourself!!" Mioda gave her a gentle high five before speed walking to the station with the purple haired girl behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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