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Sorry for another fix, I might put forget to put something so I fix it,... It's just Maoz's story. I forgot id already established it in the previous chapter, I think so enjoyed it

(M/n) P.O.V,

We rode in the vast land of ice as in the surfaces, I instructed Korra to move to the designated location I ached to the point to Korra where we needed to head, I hope we managed to arrive there in time. 

Then on I sit behind Korra's back as we rode naga riding across, later as the wind blew our faces and cloth flapping, we arrived at the designated destination, I see the settlements in view, but we were too late, it was ransacked.  

Looking around it was destroyed and massacred where we step foot. I see Korra grasp by the sight of it as she sees a lot of bodies lying around, homes destroy, and despair filling the air. I grit my teeth seeing this scene, I knew the Templar will do things like this, In my mind, It was racing thought of how I shouldn't be given care to the Templar the next time I met, especially Keith. I'll make sure I kill that basterds.

Looked around for survivors but I don't think any were left, the wind blew in our faces but it seem that we felt despair the moment Id linger here longer. Then I try to move to Korra to see if she's okay, I can see that her face is still shocked seeing the dead body piling up and scattered anywhere and elsewhere.

(M/n): Korra are you alright?

Korra: (m/n), by the spirits, these people... How they die... It's horrifying.

Her voice seem distraught by the look she gave in, the moment of fright, scared and unnerve. She gave it all by seeing the kind of people, innocent people didn't deserve to die in such a horrific way, unless they mean collateral damages. 

I watched her as she turned her back away from me and look at other places that didn't disturns her view. I'd watch her and momentarily lift my hand and slowly place it on her shoulders, and tap it showing to calm her behaviour state. knowing this isn't her fight I just spoke,

(M/n): Korra, I think it's better if you don't involve in this.

Korra: what!? 

She scream at my question, But I kept my face straight to her and said,

(M/n): Korra, this is clearly out of your bounds, Did you not see the dead body? If you couldn't handle the terms killing. You should drop out on this and let me handle this.

Korra: NO!

She scream filling the air and filling the wind burst out of it causing me to stagger a bit an inch from my position, skirting a few flakes of snow on my feet. Scrutinizing her, seeing she objects to my saying knowing the meaning of her demeanour,

(M/n): Korra, I know these are your people but if you step in much further, you're going to be involved in my mess which I wouldn't want you to be in with.

Korra only looked at me and crossed her arms and walk past me not gazing at her eyes and saying,

Korra: well I'm already involved and these are my people, (M/n) I can't leave it like that, so if you want another ride, Id suggest you hop on.

Grunting at her with her comment, I only rant my mouth with annoyances, sure she involved, but I don't want her overall involvement to kill her in the end. But no other options for me of another transportation, as my trustworthy Buckeye was at the sides of another land. Heading for Naga and riding the White beast, I secure myself before Korra sees me done so. 

Then I see an incoming from the Air, it was Aquilla. He dived in tremendous speed until he spreads his wing wide to slow the descent, then he flapped his wings towards me. I raised my hands for him to land, as he lands I can see him shrieking his voice conveying messages through my ears. Korra sees through us and is baffled at what just happened, at one point seeing me hearing to my eagle. but ignore her stare I just focused solely on Aquilla and what he said surprised me, I move past Korra and she was confused at first as I just walk past her.

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