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So the "previous" chapter of "Templar" I forgot to mention the rank of Templars in that chapter. So the rank differences are the one (M/n) fought was a normal officer. So that was no big deal but what's big deal to (M/n) is these Three different ranks of the templar, 

Number one,  "lieutenant" 
is skilled with the sword, and firearms and they can guard off all the mc attacks, So the only way to defeat them is kicked in the groin (yeah Ac 4 too much)

And number, two "the Commander"
Its the toughest one to fight, if mc try to swing or give it a punch to them they will counter or parry all his attack this will be the challenge to (m/n) the only way is "disarmed" them then only can mc will be able to attack them. 

And the one to countdown is number, three is "Admiral rank" 
they will be a nuisance to Mc because not only they can parry or block (M/n) attacks but they can counterattack as well. But (m/n) always finds a way to fend off all of them.

So let's open the book, shall we?

(M/n) P.o.V,

After she threw her firebolt at me, I managed to block it off with my left arm, luckily there is an arm gauntlet if not my hands would probably roasting right now. But right now my rage is uncontrollable high because she thinks I just killed random people, oh how she knew who these people are she might as well change her opinion about it.

She was backing away from me which I'd advance which we are, at the alley away I fought off those damn Templars earlier. I look at the little girl, the fear in her that showed on her face. the trauma shed witness, I can only imagine how it felt like to lose someone. 

Turning my head to the Avatar girl, she readies her stances but I dint ready mine because I have no intentions to fight her, I only spoke,

(M/n): listen here, Avatar. I have no beef with you, so don't start a fight that you can't win.

With my statement, she gave a look of baffles, hearing what I said, she shot back her words,

Korra: what makes you think you can win against me? I'm an Avatar you know!

Giving my look of unsatisfaction, and deadpan on how she really said that out loud, I retort,

(M/n): wow, didn't realize you're an Avatar before, I think what I said hasn't made that clear huh? Do you need some pen and paper where you can write it and put it on those big size breasts of yours, so everyone can see it?

Giving out my sarcasm, my face was totally not impressed by her idiocy giving her statement out loud, I see her face glowing red and in instant, she jump attack me upfront out of humility.

Dodging her attacks, she tried to jab punch me but I slapped away her fist which caused her to grunt, I see she tried to kick me as her first attempt was futile. But I grabbed her legs and swoop mine to another of her legs causing her to stumble, Grunted again she lifted herself up and this time she tries to fight me with her bending techniques.

She punches both of her hands and a spit of fire ignites, seeing these dodges were the options and I manoeuvred myself to avoid her fiery sensations of her. She sees that her hits haven't attacked me she switches bending to water type, she collected a few droplets of water creating a large puddle and performs a tendril around her. She propels the tendril hoping to hit me but I'd avoid it using jump spinning, this caught her to watch my performances, giving that she distracts, while in midair, I grab out my smoke bomb pallets and throw them at her. 

My item hit her view and the pallets explode near contact, I see she inhales the smoke and gets caught by it. This is my chance to stun her, While I land on the ground quickly I head towards her ready my arm and once near I'd lariat her in her guts causing her to stumble down. She let out a gasp at my actions and continue to fall. Watching her from the ground below she finally collected herself and I was about to say to stop this fight, soon I realize my effort to calm her down was a waste as a boulder appeared out of the ground and hit me with her Earthbending technique, this sent me flying five meters high and crashing upon the roof.

The Assassins and The Avatar: Legend Of KorraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang