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❝ 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐌, 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐨! ❞


Mary Elizabeth Granger was now ten years old, and she was considered...a very peculiar child in front of people's eyes, her slightly curly hair was down to her shoulders, big brown eyes, with a spark on them which brought a smile to everyone who looked into them, her eyebrows slightly thick and her lips pink, the upper lip thinner than the other, and her smile contagious. But what was peculiar in people's eyes was mainly her hair...it always changed depending on how she felt, and it was strange and scary to people to see such a thing. So, since she can remember she's never been allowed to go out of the house, and she doesn't complain much about it now....not after one day two five-year-old's bullied her because of it...

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''Look M! this flower has the most beautiful blue color I've ever seen!'' Mary exclaimed to Hermione using their nickname for each other while picking up a Hydrangea flower admiring its color.

''Oh goodness, You're right M!'' Hermione said '' M look! your hair changed its color again!'' She marked her sister's hair in admiration.

''Pink? What do you think pink stands for, M?'' Mary asked her sister holding a strand of her own hair, and just as Hermione was about to answer two boys came up to them '' I saw that! Your hair changed its color by itself! How did you do that?!'' exclaimed one of the boys.

''I don't know, it's always done that since I can remember, but I quite like it, I love having different colors on my hair,'' Mary responded with a shy smile.

''Like it? Why would you like it? It's hideous and it's weird! You're a freak!'' the same boy yelled at her.

''Hey! She's not a freak, and no one asked your opinion! Get away from us we don't know you and no one talks to my sister that way!'' Hermione said while getting in front of Mary with a frown and her eyes narrowed at the boys.

'' Look Jack the hair changed to grey! She's such a freak!'' the other boy exclaimed laughing with his friend while ignoring Hermione's comment.

Mary took off running while tears were streaming down her face ignoring the multiple calls of her name coming from her sister. She arrived at their house and sat on the porch while crying, burying her face in her small hands, she continued to cry until she looked up and saw Hermione with pity eyes on her face but Mary could still notice a flash of angriness in her eyes towards the mean boys, ''Don't play mind to those boys, M. They are just jealous because your hair is cool and theirs is boring.''

''That's not true! I am a freak! I've never met anyone that can do the same thing as I do!'' Mary said as she started to cry again as she looked down while hugging herself.

''No you're not a freak, M! You're unique, amazing, and cool! and the fact that you've met no one else with the same hair that you have makes you even cooler because not everyone can do it! And I like that you can do this, it makes you who you are, and I love who you are, M! I love you!'' Hermione said while she hugged her best friend.

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