1. The Sacrifice

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"You're welcome and come again," waving my hand at the leaving couple. "Thank you Imelia," said the lady, exiting the store. "We'll be sure to come back for some more delicious juice," her husband happily said.

"Sure, hope to see you again," watching the lovely couple leave the bar.

Sighing heavily, I left my position at the counter and walked towards the previously occupied table. Grabbing both the glasses, I headed to the kitchen, to wash it.

"I thought they'd never leave," said a masculine voice. "I thought about it as well but thankfully they did," wiping my hands on a towel and turned around, only to find no one other than my brother, Icarus, in his workout attire.

I know what you're thinking, "Why is he named Icarus?" Well you see my mom found it rather interesting to name him after her favorite mythological character while my dad didn't seem to mind it. Thank goodness they took the liberty of naming me properly.

"Any leftover juice?" He asked, smiling. I glared at him and chose to ignore his presence. "You know I am a growing boy," he emphasised.

"Nope, now shut up and go shower! You smell worse than a garbage truck, Icarus." I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"Whatever," He stuck his tongue out, "fix me a passion juice," he demanded. "Do I look like a servant to you?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. "I don't see any other. Now hurry up with it," he retorted. I flicked him the middle finger in response. "Right at you, Elia." Giving me a smug look. "I need that juice to be ready by the time I return," He called, leaving the store.

"That idiot! What does he expect? A juice to be ready? Pft! As if I'd make one," I muttered, annoyed. "Wonder what my husbands are up to," I thought aloud, reaching my hand out to the many drawers of the counter.

Taking my phone out, I typed in my passcode and clicked on the colorful app. I found myself automatically logged in. Without a second to spare, I scrolled through my feed and noticed many fan pages posting pictures of my all time favorite boy band.


"My oh my! Looking at this picture makes me wanna cry. Chen is gonna be a great daddy someday," I proudly told myself. The photo was about a famous kpop boy group called EXO and a band member named Chen, was carrying a baby.

I left a heart along with a comment and proceeded to scroll further, leaving mostly hearts upon the pictures I liked alot.

When I stumbled across a perfectly captured shot, my heart skipped a beat.

Another member from EXO named Baekhyun had his hair dyed blonde. His makeup artist had done a great job applying black eyeliner and purple eye shadow. It made his eyes pop out even more. But what really made me lose my mind was his lip biting and almost crotch holding pose.

"Oh my blonde-haired Baekhyun! OMO! My poor fangirl heart-u! He is super cute! Even while wearing an eye liner! I can't even pull that look off! I'm a shame compared to him. Curse this little piece of shit! And look at where his hand is!" I squealed in admiration and scolded at the hotness emitted by him.

My face suddenly heated up at the thought of something lewd. Trying to stop my imaginations from going any further, I patted my cheek to calm down.

When I was abruptly brought back to reality by someone snatching my phone away, "What gives?" I yelped.

"I swear sometimes I wonder why you waste your time screaming for gay shit," said a tall brunette as he stood in front of me, staring at the screen.

"For your infomation, that gay shit happens to have plenty of things you don't have so stop being so jealous and hand it over," I retorted, trying to get my phone back from the thief.

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