5. Loanshark

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"You will be owing me a lot and since you're really presistent why don't we work up an offer?"

It's been a month since that day. He told me that he would come back to collect the debt in due time. But when is this God forsaken time? I'm such an idiot for insisting to pay him when in reality I don't have any to give but I hate owing people.

Last I heard he was out of the country landing some high end contracts. Not like he would remember spare change. Heck! I'd be stoked if he couldn't remember me but who am I kidding? If he could recognise me from the parking lot in an instant then what the odds he'd forget.

What really frustrated me that night was the fact that he blackmailed me into changing in front of him. He didn't allow me to use the bathroom. What a pervert! But was considerate to dismiss the lady in blue out of the room. Leaving me with no choice but to oblige.

Although my back was facing him, I could feel his intense stares observing me till the end. He did keep his promise of letting me go once I was done. Thankfully the huge shirt covered all the way to my knees.

I shoved the soiled dress into the bag and ran out the door. Not bothering to take second glances at him.

I got lost a couple of times but no one dared approach me. A very unsettling feeling washed over me but I was quite glad Klaus came to assist later on. Grateful towards him, I exited the damned place and went to search for Vio's room in this maze called the hallway.

After having found it, my legs finally gave up. According to Vio, she found me curled up into a ball, asleep while hugging a dress bag and wearing something as she quoted "only guys would give their girlfriends" look. She woke me up and brought me into the room. Comforting me without a question throughout the entire night. That night, I wasn't able to fall asleep again. I had been consumed with an emotion called fear.

Who knows what could've happened? I could've been scared for life if you ask me. I thanked my lucky stars nothing of such things happened. But I was still shook over what I saw.

The sound of a familiar bell brought me back to reality. I shot out of the couch immediately and ran towards the door of my house. The mailman is the only man who can brighten my day. I had ordered the lastest albums and merchandise online a couple of weeks ago after Vio gave me the voucher. She told me she going to give it to me either way and now it's finally here!

I was beaming in delight at the sight of the man. He had gotten quite used to my facial expressions. My parents always warned me to act normal but hey! Can you blame me? Of course not! How can you not be excited for the babies that are coming home?

He handed me two boxes and made me sign a slip before he headed out to continue his quest. Puzzled by the other parcel, I had no second thoughts but to take it. Considering it clearly had my name printed out with no sender address.

Hurrying my way inside the house, I laid both the boxes down at the kitchen counter and searched for the box cutter.

With the tool ready in hand, I cut the thin tape of the box containing my albums and merchandise. Not able to contain myself any longer I started to screamed in utter happiness. Pulling each content out carefully and was extremely satisfied with each item.

Everytime I pulled a new merch out from the box my excitement would only grow.

I was super thankful that all my family members were out and the store was close being that it was a Sunday.

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