Mech-X4 Season 2 Final

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I walk out of my house, my mom is already out to work so I run to the bus stop. Getting there just in time, I hop on the bus and quickly race to the back where I see my two friends, Spyder and Harris. Sadly Veracity went to college early once a three months past after the fight with Traeger in space. Harris stayed with us so we can all go together, but we're all planning on going to different colleges. Harris is going to some elite college, Spyder is going to some scholarship college that accepted him because he defeated that one mussel head guy, and I'm going into a techy college. We're all in our senior year, and not a single monster has shown up. I rarely use my powers, and we haven't seen Leo since he left us that one day we accused him. Before he left he said he was keeping something from us, but I didn't stay on it for too long since it's been two years since, about to b e three. We haven't looked for Mech-X4 lost hand, nor did we try to become heroes again, those times were over. We all got over it and talked about those times as if they were fever dreams. Well kind of. I sit as Spyder groans, "I still can't believe that we saved the world, us when we were kids, and didn't get recognized for it." Spyder complains, like every time. I see a few people look our way in confusion and interest.

"Dude, we only saved a cat from a tree. It's not the same as Mech-X4 saving the world" I say as Harris catches on. "Right, plus it's all old news" He comments, trying to get Spyder to shut up. I noticed how people lost interest quickly. I sigh as I whispered to my friends, ever since Mech-X4 broke down everyone has been sensitive about any information for months. Even now, years later people are still looking for answers. The bus pulls up to our high school, we get out, continuing our conversation. "Right, I've seen so many people out there nowadays, with theories." "But aren't people always making up theories?" Spyder asks Harris as we head to our lockers. The halls jam packed, the city decided not to rebuild our old school to save money. "Well, yeah, but these theories are way too close to be accurate. As in there being human pilots who are young, or pilots from Bay city." Harris says as we head in the direction of our classes, it's in the same area, just not the same classes. "No one is going to find out-" "Find out what?" I jump as some freshmen appear out of nowhere. "Who are you?" I ask as the little kid looks a bit familiar. "I'm sure you have heard of Cassie," the kid says as I think about it. Cassie was the one who thought that I piloted Mech-X4. "Yeah I've heard of her." "Who couldn't" Spyder says in a bit of a dreamy tone, gosh he has to get rid of that crush. "Ew. Well I'm her little sister. Yesterday she was going through her old college things and found notes about how you could be Mech-X4" the kid says as I sigh. The bell rings and I look at the short girl, "Listen here-" "Stacy" '-Stacy, it was already debunked that I wasn't the pilot. Plus we're not getting back into that" I finish as I walk off with my friends to class. Stacy calling for me right behind.


I was lunch time when I was walking out of my class, a ton of students were looking and following me. But not to the point where they were noticeable, the only way I know was because even after the big fights I'm still skittish. Once I got to the lunch hall, I saw Stacy. She stands on a lunch table with binders in hand, Harris and Spyder walk up behind me "what is she doing?" Harris asks as she slowly starts to grab everyone's attention. "Nothing good" I comment as everyone is finally looking at her. "If you were here during the other three lunch periods, I"m just repeating what I said earlier but with Ryan walker in the room now for questions." she states as I look at Harris and Spyder. "She's not-" "Oh I think she is" Harris says, finishing the thought I didn't want to think about. I've tried to hide this from the public and it's annoying. MY friends and family will be in danger from the army and others if people find out my secret. I wouldn't be able to protect them all at once. "The pilots of Mech-X4 are Ryan Walker and his friends, Spyder and Harris." Stacy says as everyone gasps and looks my way, mumbling and talking.

Here we go again.


I walk over to Stacy and also stand on the table, "I am not the pilot of Mech-X4, Cassie was proven wrong, why do you think you're right?" I ask as the others start nodding their heads in agreement. "Because, the newest amount of theories involve the pilots living in Bay City because of how quick it got here every time. Also they said the pilots could be young, I don't quite have any information behind that one but it fits you. My sister made notes on you, you were the first person to suggest there being pilots. Too much adds up" She finishes as the crowd stands on a 50/50 on who to believe. "Why would we believe some freshmen?" someone says "yeah so what if you're Cassie's younger sister?" "She was always in someone else's business, annoying" the crowd was gaining on my side, but not the way I wanted.

"Listen Stacy, your older sister is nice, I'm sure she would want you to have a normal high school experience." I tell her, getting down off the table and walking towards my friends. "That was scary close" Harris says as Spyder thought about it "Well I didn't think Stacy was scary, and we're not close, so-" "Never mind" Harris says as we all went to get our lunch.


School was out, Harris had to go pick his sister up, and Spyder went to a tutor. After many months of bribing with money, he finally decided to give it a try. I start walking home when Stacy pulls up next to me on a pink frilly bike, her polka dot helmet on. "Get on loser, I'm going to show you something" I give her an odd look as I roll my eyes. "I rather run" I say as she gives me a toothy grin, "Works for me" and she pedals off with me running after her. After a while of running, we head into the forest. Doing so, Stacy gets off her bike and leans it on a tree. "Where are you taking me?" I say, a wall starting to form, I've had too many bad memories about being in a forest. I find myself avoiding it sometimes unintentionally. Harris says it's normal since I almost died many times in the forest. "I found something a year ago, I haven't said anything because I wanted to know for sure you're the pilot of Mech-X4." she says as I groan. She leads us through a few bushes, covering my vision for a bit, "For the last time i am not- Mech-X4?" I say slowly as we come into a clearing, the ground was a creator and burnt wood was surrounding the area. It was Mech-X4's hand that flew back into earth. How did the government not find this yet? I try to connect to it, and it works. A spark of hope and excitement lights me. I don't move the hand but I can feel the connection now that I'm seeing it.

I look at Stacy to find her just staring at it with a wide smile. "Come on, I tried to fix it" "fix it?" I repeat as she drags me to the hand. "I thought I could give it back to you guys fixed and new, but I don't think I can fix and make a whole new robot. I only know a bit of the basic mechanic." I chuckle as I look at the hand. "This is amazing, but, you know I'm not the pilo-" "Pilot, yes yes, I've heard you say it many times. But it feels right saying it's you" Stacy says a little disappointed. Well, I guess it shouldn't hurt to tell her since she's just a kid. "Well-" I say as she looks at me. I look at the hand and connect to it. Moving it as I move my hand in front of her. "Nice to meet you Stacy, let me tell you a little story about Mech-X4" I say as her face lights up in glee.

Well here we go.


Like I said this was just my version on how season two should've ended after Teager was defeated.

Hope you like it. 

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