Dragon Tamer

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 I scurry about in the kingdom of Caledon, zigzagging through the narrow alleys between shops. Getting away from the people I stole from, I'm not usually a thief, but I have to do what I need to do for my clan. After a few more minutes of dipping through the city, I finally hear no footsteps. I then start my way home, and when I mean home I mean in the depths of the cities poorest. Where thievery is the only way of living. I finally made it to home base, where I see five small bodies waiting for me. They cheer for me when I approach. "Shh, children. Remember what I said?" I spoke as I start pulling out what I stole, "Mot to show the enemies you have goods and won a victory" they say in unison as I smile. I pull out six steamy chicken wings, giving each kid one. "Eat inside," I told them as we walk into our little home build in between two shops. They allow us here only if we clean for them, sometimes they pay us but that's only on really good days. I cover the entrance with the misfit blanket we created. Looking at the kids in the small impact area, they sat on wooden crates with blankets, eating their share of the food. I of course gave myself the smallest piece, even though I'm twice their size, I look after my siblings. Although we're not related by blood, I took them in when their families abandon them or past. For example, Kibby, 10, kinky black hair, dark chocolate skin, and black eyes. She was left behind when her family died of illness. Katey, 7, thin, pale, pastel blue eyes, and straight brown hair. She was left behind by her mother who only cared about her own well being. Evan, 10, black curly hair, caramel skin, light brown eyes, and a bit on the chubby side. His parents left him because he didn't stand up to beauty standards. Suzie, 8, curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and milky pale skin. She was left behind because she was the second born to a rich family, she was prettier than her older sister, so they kicked her out. Steven, 6, bowl cut, black eyes, black hair, and mixed skin. His family was taken away from him when he was three, never seen them since. Then there's me, ginger hair, and black eyes, pale skin, 15, and I'm short. "Mikey!" Steven yelled out as I turn my head to him, "yeah?" I ask as I can see his eyes watching my chicken wing. I smile and handed my share before he could get a word out. He grabbed it with a big smile, butt hen Kibby nudge him. "Steve, you know Mikey hasn't eaten in a week now, let him eat his share" she whispers, but since I've come to train myself a bit, and the fact she's just a kid, I was able to hear what she said. Kibby is always the responsible one and I love her for that.

"Well," I say standing so Steven doesn't have to give me the wing. "I'm going to see if we can get a few coppers in for next week," I say to them as I look at Kibby and Evan, the two oldest. "Remember my rules and emergency evacuation plan," I told them as they nod their heads. In the back of the misfit home, we made is a mettle fence. I picked away at it over time and it's big enough to let kids crawl through. My rule is to also never come out when I'm not there, never talk to anyone you don't know, and if someone stops by to look inside, hide all the saved up money and yourselves. I head out, pocket knife in my pocket just in case of a mugging. As I start walking a bit closer to the outskirts of the poorest of living people, I make sure I look presentable and nice. My long red hair was in a ponytail, my black pants only a bit dirty, and my white collards shirt that I stole off a clothing line. I'll return it later. I top at a store that still wasn't in the wealthy part of the city but also not the poorest. It was a flower shop. I walk inside to see a young lady at the front desk, I fix my clothes a bit while I walk to her. She sees me and sighs, "go tell Mcsworth that if he can't come here himself, I don't want to hear it," she says in a bit of some accent. She slams a rag on the wooden desk, I give her an odd look. "I came here looking for a job" I spoke and an odd manner, like, should I speak or does walking out seem like a better idea?

Her pale cheeks then turned a bright red, "oh then, my bad, I didn't know" she says, but then she also waves me off, "we're not looking for employees" she comments. I sigh and walk out, but I soon bump into someone else. "Mcsworth?!" the lady screeches in glee. I back up to look at who this guy is. Looking down on me was a very tall male, blonde hair, brown eyes, and a chiseled jawline. I can hear the clicks of the female's heels as she pushes me out the way and hugs the male. Who I guess is Mcsworth, wraps an arm around the lady's small waist. His eyes sharpen while looking at me, "was he bothering you, my love?" He says, not taking his eyes off me. The lady giggles, "Oh love, you're always so protective. He was just leaving, he was no bother" the girl speaks as I sigh, can't this be over with? I need to find another job. "Good, because he could've angered a guard in training" he flaunts as if he won 100 pieces of gold.

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