Chapter 1: Morning routine.

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Chapter 1: Morning routine.

"Kean get your ass down here!!" shouted a very angry older sister. I groaned as I slid further into my covers, ignoring the loud footsteps coming my way. My door swings open, it smacks against the wall which I can only guess makes it fling back, and hit my sister in the nose. "Ouch!" she shouts as I chuckle a bit. Coming over to my bed she drags the covers off my now exposed body. I only wore PJ bottoms and no shirt. I flip to my back to stare at my sister's pale blue eyes. Almost like see through, clear, blue, glass. Today she was Monday so she was wearing skinny jeans with a pink crop top and her hair in a high ponytail. Reminds me of one of Charlotte's Barbie dolls. She always wears skinny jeans on Mondays and Thursdays. It's a routine. "Hello my beloved sister" I comment, spreading my limbs in a starfish shape.

"Hello to you good brother of mine, did you forget you start your first day of high school today?" she says chirpy, but I of all people know it's fake, she's mad. "Everyone is already left with Michael, so now it's just you and me and since the bus already left I have to drive you. Which means I'm going to be late, only if you don't hurry up. Dear brother of mine. I'll leave you be" she says with a murderous smile, and while leaving she looks over her shoulder and looks me dead in the eyes, "you have five minutes" and with that she was off and down the hall. She scared me sometimes.

Getting up I stumble my way into my personal bathroom connected to my room. I get my rags and wash up in the sink, that took two minutes. With that I got up the small flight of steps in my room which led to a balcony that stored my clothes and things. Getting out black jeans, white shoes, a random grey t-shirt and a beanie, I hurry back down the white steps and back to my bed. I set my things down and got started on putting on my socks, pants, shirt, and shoes. That took two minutes. I then grab my backpack and school supplies and swing the bag on my back. I exit my room and down the hall, passing four other bedroom doors that belong to my siblings. At the end of the long hall were steps, going down the steps I put on my beanie. Tucking in some brown locks poking out.

As soon as I hit the last step an alarm went off, I looked to my right to see my sister with her iPhone in hand, on an alarm app. "Wow you actually made it in five minutes, that was fast. Alright come on" my sister says exiting the front door as I follow. When she locks the door I start to ponder, "Hey sis, don't tell me we're taking your-" she cuts me off "yep" she says with an all known smirk. She knows I hate that ride. "Why?" I ask, cursing myself for sounding like a whining brat. "If you were up earlier, everyone got into the family van. Plus Michael and I are the only ones who have a driving license" she adds as she hits a button on the side of the house, turning around we come face to face with the pavement moving. Like how you'd open a book, and out comes my sister's motorcycle. Although it's very big. She walks over to it and swings her leg on the other side, she then turns and looks at me.

"You're 16!" I comment, making my way over to the bike. Only to struggle to get on. "Why and how are you already driving" I hug my arms around her waist as she puts the keys in. She smirks, "It just be like that sometimes" and with that, along with the starting of her bike, we were off to school.

I'm not ready.

_________Book Description___________________

Titus, Kean, Shannon, Micheal, Florrie, Charlotte, Charles, and Charlie are all siblings. Not birth, they're all adopted siblings. You may think their life's a living hell, well quite the opposite. They all love each to death. So when Havok strikes and the kids wake up to new abilities, this only gives them one answer; "Food Break!!"

In a family with eight kids, it might sound chaotic, but it's not. Eight normal, but rich, siblings find out that they are greek legends, School year is about to get wild

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