A Regular

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"There once were three gods that placed themselves among humans. Acting as normal humans. But one day a meteor headed towards earth, causing everyone to panic once it came into eyesight. But acting right away, the three gods destroyed the meteor together. Seeing this the Humans were in awe and begged for god's protection. Knowing that even the three gods can't protect everyone around the world, they gave some of their powers out to half the population. Making their genes strong, so everyone in that bloodline would get powers. But after a few centuries, the gods went missing, never to be found again.

Nowadays, people say that the mutated gene was formed from some accident, a more scientific way to say it I guess. But there are still people out there, who believe in this story."

My mom tells me, for the hundredth time today. But this time, she's telling me this while she takes me to my new high school. My family believes in this stupid story, and what makes it even worse is that my family doesn't have this mutated gene. I guess you can say I'm a regular human. We call people with supernatural powers, "Kin". sadly, there are people who would use such a gift for evil. We call them "Ecos". There are even special schools where the super kids go to hone their abilities and powers to become the next-gen superheroes. Honestly sounds so cool, but I don't have any powers so I have to watch from the sidelines.

I start in a new school, in a new city, with zero friends. This doesn't help my anxiety at all. "But honey," my mom says to me, catching my full attention, "You have to remember that you're special in our eyes. A new high school in a new city must be hard for you, and for that I am sorry," my mom says with a sad look, she sighs, "I just hope you know that not everyone can handle the pressure of being a superhero, and just because you don't have powers does not mean you can't be super" my mom finishes as she pulls up to my new school. She leans over and gives me a soft kiss on my head, "Have a nice day!" she says as I get out with a smile on my face, waving her goodbye. I fixed my black skirt and made sure my skin-tight shorts couldn't be seen. I fix my dress shirt, making sure it's tucked in. With my backpack on, I walk into my school. Today is going to be a good day!

Then out of nowhere, a kid came crashing through the glass window and smashing headfirst into my side. Making us both slide across the floor in the hall. Every gasp at the sudden collision. "Good...day my...ass" I whisper out before I blackout.

I totally forgot that there was a super high school next door to us, what a bummer.

End Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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