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Teacher: hola

Everybody: hola señor 

Trey: sup niños 

Teacher: so lol as you know our assignment was to write a short paragraph about the video we watched about Spain IN spanish. Nikolai also why tf did you write your's in russian

Nikolai: 😎

Teacher: what

Nikolai: 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

Teacher: Trey's your's translates to, "it was boring and all the people in the vid looked like  barbies and McDonalds workers"

Trey: am I wrong

Omar: no like not really

Teacher: anywayyysss, a big thanks to Rosalie, Albert, Mateo, Omar, Charlie, Ally, Chidi, Dan, Mason, and Indah. You all got A's.

Albert: WOOHOO!

Rosalie: pfft. ofc I got an A

Veronica: how come I didnt get an A

Teacher: you didnt turn yours in

Veronica: yes I did I printed it out and finished it. 


Veronica: what's google classroom

Teacher: bruh

Veronica: well? what is it you loser teacher

Rosalie: im telling my mom

Rosalie has left the meeting

Trey: ehhh nobody will miss her.

Teacher: alright tell you what. I'll move Jian, Veronica, Mary, Jamila, Liling, and Alab into a breakout room cuz they were too lazy to do their assignment. the rest of you just... do whatever the hell you want

Teacher and everybody that was mentioned above has moved to a breakout room

Trey: soooo I got a good game

Albert: what's it called?

Trey: idk. but if you wanted to kill one person in our grade who would it be

Mateo: myself

Nikolai: Rosalie

Trey: V e r o n i c a 

Albert: I don't wanna kill anybody I don't like this game.


Albert: trey calm down-

Trey: NO

Albert: I rlly don't know...

Mateo: I'd kill Miguel

Omar: same. 

Carlos: same

Qasim: same

John: I'd kill vinny

Trey: How would you do it?

John: what? that's random bruh dont ask me this

Trey: Tell me ok.


Kai: I'd kill the math teacher

Trey: try again

Kai: Miguel hes a bully

Ally: I'd kill Miguel

Trey: im telling Miguel you said this

Ally: tell him then

Trey: Charlie who would you kill? Miguel, right?

Charlie: I'm probably physically incapable of killing any human being other than myself. That'd be really hard. Also Miguel is 5'6 

Trey: how do you know that...

Charlie: I can guess

Trey: tell me

Charlie: I was spying on him during that gym class test. 

Reza: :OOOOO

Trey: ahhh I gotchu 

Timeskip also Rosalie rejoined lmao.

Teacher has rejoined

teacher: ok Veronica still doesn't know what google classroom is because she's dumb and i've been explaining this to her for 20 minutes

Charlie: Actually it was 26 minutes and 28 seconds, but go ahead.

teacher: well who can tell her what google classroom is

Trey: its a dumb website

Rosalie: im telling my mom. dumb is a bad word

Rosalie has left the meeting

Nikolai: yay

Mateo: im crying

Omar: why

Mateo: idk

Omar: ok

Teacher: yall know what class dismissed yall are free to do whatever you want

Trey: m i n e c r a f t 👌

The meeting has ended

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