the cast basically

173 7 15

yeah this is like what the characters do and stuff and what their role is in school or whatever (i might do in-person school next btw)

ik that some of these characters don't appear a lot but who cares


Charlie-the kid who always gets bullied

Miguel-the bully

Nikolai-the bully's friend-

Dan-The popular kid

Quinn-the kid that always leaves the meet the second it starts

Rosalie-the teacher's pet

Thiago and Alab-those kids who fight all the time

Dvir-The kid that defends Alab and fights with Thiago until the meet ends

Jackson-the quiet kid

Natalia-the kid who hates school almost as much as she hates everyone in it

Trey-the class clown

Veronica-the drama queen

Cody-the awkward kid

Vinny-the kid who's in like 1,000 fandoms 

Marley-the tik tok addict

Alicia-the "bad girl"

Omar-the kid who has really annoying family members (well he's a foster kid but still)

Qasim-the wannabe jokester

Jian-the kid who sleeps during class

Jamila-that kid who's on Twitter all the time

John-the cinnamon roll

Joshua-the flamboyant kid who likes gacha life way too much

Elaina-another popular kid

Odette-the kid who is emotionally attached to fictional characters

Albert-the brain

Mason-that sports-obsessed kid

Lukey-the weird kid who tries to fit in

Bailey-the wannabe emo

Annie-the cheerful person

Alec-same thing above except way more gay

Jo-"that girl"

Jordan-"that girl" 2.0

Carlos-no words, just :]

Seungho-the kid who listens to music during class

the teacher in every class-pog

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