Chapter 6

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Kagami POV
Kagami shut the car door and turned around to look at the school. She could hear her mother in their car driving away. She quickly grabbed her phone and stopped shareing her location with her mother. There was no way in hell that she would let her mother spy on her.

"Hey Kagami! Are you ready for another fantastic day of fencing?" Kagami looked up from her phone to see a familiar blonde boy smiling back at her.

"Oh nah I'm going to skip today." She said as she shoved her phone back in to her pocket.

Adrian tilted his head confused. "Skip? But you never skip. You're always too scared that your mom will find out."

Kagami smiled and said "I think that it's worth the risk this time."

Adrian sighed and walked back into the school to head to practice. Kagami knew that her friend was sad that she wasn't attending today's practice. Without her there he doesn't have any competition. He easily outsmarts everyone on the team. Except her of course.

She grabbed her phone agian and opened up the coordinates Marinettte sent her earlier. She loaded them into Google Maps and started following the arrows.

She walked for what seemed like hours (it was really only like 30 minutes). She found herself in the deep woods on a trail of some sort. The further she went the spookier the atmosphere became.

Eventually she found a clearing with an abandoned warehouse in it. Sitting atop of an old broken down crain sat Marinettte.

Kagami smiled the moment her eyes fell on the bluenette. Sure, this wasn't exactly her idea of a first date but with Marinettte by her side it was sure to be an adventure.

Marinettte hopped down off the crain and came barreling over twords Kagami. "KAGAMI!! YOU FOUND ME!!" She giggled as she ran twords Kagami.

She stopped about an inch away from Kagami huffing as she was out of breath. Kagami laughed and reached out her hand to the beautiful girl.

Marinettte took it with ease and for a moment the two stood there eyes locked on each other's. It was as if the whole world had melted away and the only thing that mattered in that moment was the two of them. Kagami very much wanted to kiss the bluenette however she thought better of it. She hadn't had her first kiss yet and she wanted it to be perfect.

Kagami couldn't however, waste such a perfect moment like this so she pulled Marinettte into a comforting hug. She heard Marinettte give a soft squeak of joy. The two stood there in silence for a moment. Kagami then suddenly pulled away and smiled. "So, what does the fair maiden have planned for our date today?"

Marinettte blushed and smiled. "You'll have to find out!"

Marinettte then turned around and ran for the abandoned warehouse. Kagami giggled and ran after her.

Sure, this was no fancy dinner date but that hardly mattered to Kagami. She wasn't one for a traditional style date anyway.

Kagami bolted off after the bluenette smiling. This is gonna be one heck of an evening.

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