Chapter 3

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Kagami's POV

Kagami got up early this morning at the sound of her alarm. She happily got dressed and skipped to the kitchen where she made some toast for herself. She couldn't stop thinking about Marinette. The pretty baker's daughter had stolen her heart. She couldn't wait for her fencing practice today. That might be the only chance she has to see her.

"Kagami, you are more excited than usual."
Kagami turned around to see her mother standing in the kitchen with Kagami's phone.

"I've inspected your phone and it seems any apps you may have downloaded have been deleted. I trust that you don't download anything and only use this device if you need to access the internet or call me."

Kagami's mother tossed her the phone then turned around and headed back to her bedroom.

Kagami quickly turned on her phone and redownloaded discord. Discord was the only chance she had to talk to Marinette. She quickly opened their private chat and hoped the bluenette would answer.
Fencerwithsocialanxiety: Hello Marinette! Are you awake? I know it's pretty early (5:30) but I wanna talk to you 🥺

Maricriesinselfpity: Hello Kagami! Yes I am awake. I usually get up around 5:00 but then I get tired and fall back asleep lol

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: haha I've done that before as well. My mother yelled at me thought...

Maricriesinselfpity: So... Are we gonna talk about it?

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: About what?

Maricriesinselfpity: ya know, the dance...

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: Uhh... Only if you want to-

Maricriesinselfpity: I do.

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: ok...

Maricriesinselfpity: I... Really liked it.. like I really liked it.. maybe we could do it again sometime?

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: I'd love to!

Maricriesinselfpity: Great, can we meet after school?

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: I have fencing practice

Maricriesinselfpity: Skip it.

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: I can't skip my fencing practice!

Maricriesinselfpity: I know you're the best one on the team. Do you really need to attend today's practice??

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: you've got a point. Where shall we meet?

Maricriesinselfpity: I'll send you the coordinates >:3

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: I'm not gonna get kidnapped am I?

Maricriesinselfpity: tee hee I don't wanna spoil anything

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: That's not reassuring at all.

*Marinettte send coordinates*

Maricriesinselfpity: Well I gotta go, I'll see you there

Fencerwithsocialanxiety: Ya see u there.


Kagami turned off her phone and smiled. She just got asked out by the girl she likes! SHE JUST GOT ASKED OUT BY THE GIRL SHE LIKES!!!!

Kagami looked down at her phone to check the time, 6:00. She would arrive at school at 7:30. This meant that if she was quick enough, she could run to the bakery and see Marinettte. She would just tell her mother that she wanted some fresh food for breakfast.

"MOTHER, I'M GOING TO THE BAKERY TO GET FOOD!" With that, Kagami booked it out of her house. She isn't allowed to yell at her mother so she pretty much just asked for a death threat but, that didn't matter because she was going to see the girl of her dreams.

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