chapter 2

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Kagami's POV

Kagami couldn't stop herself from smiling. She felt bad for what she said to Marinette earlier. She thought that she was giving good advice but it seemed to make Marinette upset. She never wanted to hurt the cute girl's feelings. She was glad that Marinette seemed to be over that and still wanted to hang out with her.

Kagami knew from the first time she saw Marinette that she liked her. Even though she did get akumatized she was quick to forgive the bluenette.

Kagami was worried about one person. Adrian. She knew he had a crush on her. He didn't have to tell her she could see it in his eyes. He had feelings for her. Even if he hadn't fully realized it yet. Kagami didn't want the blonde model to take Marinette away from her.

It also didn't help that she had no idea what sexuality Marinette was. For all she knew she could be falling for a straight girl. No! I won't let that happen again!

Before she knew it she had arrived at the bakery. She opened the door and entered the seemingly empty bakery. She looked towards a corner and found Marinette on her laptop with headphones on. She seemed to be talking to someone.

Kagami walked over to the cute girl and sat down next to her. She looked at the computer screen and noticed she was playing Minecraft. She tapped the bluenette on the shoulder.

Marinette paused the game and looked over at Kagami. "Oh you came quickly! Sorry you had to see me like this! Let me just turn this off!"

The bluenette put her headphones back on and said into the microphone "Sorry Kagami just arrived! I'll talk to you later Adrian! Don't defeat the ender dragon without me!" She then ended her voice call and turned off her laptop. She turned to Kagami.

"So, I'm supposed to restock the shelves and answer any questions the customers have but as you can see it's not very busy right now so we can talk while I restock the shelves."

Kagami nodded her head and watched as the bluenette started restocking the shelves. She was hardly listening to what the bluenette was saying. She just couldn't stop herself from looking at the adorable girl. She wanted to confess her feelings so badly. There would never be a better time.

Marinette suddenly walked over to Kagami and put her hands on Kagami's shoulders. Kagami had no idea what was going on. She had zoned out so much she wasn't paying attention to what the bluenette had been doing.

Marinette smiled and said "You see? I'm no good at dancing. I've never been good at it. I'm always afraid that I'll mess it up. That's why I never slow dance." She removed her hands from Kagami's shoulders and backed up. "Sorry if I was too close for your liking!"

Kagami shook her head "No, no! You were fine!" she wished Marinette hadn't backed up. She would do anything to have a moment like that with her again. Then an idea came to mind. She smiled "Marinette I simply cannot allow you to live your life in fear of slow dancing! I shall teach you the ancient art of slow dancing!"

Marinette laughed and a huge smile came across her face. "The ancient art of slow dancing? Oh I must learn!" Kagami offered her hand and watched and the bluenette took it. She blushed and pulled the baker girl towards her.

"You see, you put your hands on my shoulders like so, then I put my hands on your waist and we basically sway back and forth." Kagami said looking into Marinette's deep blue bell eyes.

Kagami couldn't believe she had done it. She was dancing with Marinette. Her crush was dancing with her and it looked like the bluenette was enjoying it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Marinette's POV

Marinette didn't know why but she really really liked dancing with Kagami. She had only danced with one other person and it was Adrian. She was nervous the whole time and she decided to bury that feeling deep down inside her and act like she was having a boppin time. When she was dancing with Kagami though, she felt comfortable and she never wanted it to end. She remembered the look in Kagami's eyes once they had finished. Marinette knew that Kagami didn't dance with her because she wanted to help her. She knew there was something else behind it  but she didn't know what.

She moved around in her bed the whole night. She couldn't stop thinking about her. Tiki awoke when Marinette had yeeted a pillow at the wall and it knocked down a framed picture of Adrian.

"What's wrong Marinette. You never act like this when you can't sleep." The small kwami asked.

Marinette sighed and looked at her kwami. "I can't stop thinking about Kagami. I don't know why! When I was around her today I felt all warm and fuzzy inside what does that mean? Do you think I'm sick!?"

The small kwami broke into a laughing fit. "What's so funny!?" Marinette demanded. When the kwami had finished laughing she said "Well it's pretty obvious you have a crush on her."

Marinette's face turned red. How could she possibly have a crush on Kagami? They basically just met and besides, she was straight. Right? "Tiki your wrong I'm straight." the bluenette said with uncertainty.

The kwami smiled and looked at their master. "We both know that's not true. Why don't you take one of those 'Am I gay?' tests?"

Marinette hated that Tiki was right. She knew that feeling she had when dancing with Kagami all too well. It was the same feeling she had whenever she was around Adrian.She walked over to her desk and searched up "What is my sexuality quiz".

She could see Tiki smile as she hit enter on the search engine. She scrolled down a bit until she found a quiz she liked. Quickly she answered each question. She hit the submit button and clenched her fists as the loading symbol appeared.

Within a few seconds the results were in. She looked at the screen and couldn't believe what she was reading.

Heterosexual: 20%
Homosexual: 30%
Bisexual: 15%
Pansexual: 20%
Polysexual: 15%
Asexual: 0% 
Estimated sexuality: Pansexual

Marinette didn't exactly know what half of those things were. "Pansexual, Polysexual, and Asexual. Tiki what even are those?"

Tiki shrugged. "Look it up. You're the one with the laptop."

Marinette rolled her eyes and opened up a new tab on the search engine. She then looked up "What is Pansexuality, Polysexuality, and Asexuality?"

Google: Pansexuality is when someone expirences sexual attraction to anyone.

Polysexuality is when someone experiences sexual attraction to more than one gender.

Asexuality is when someone doesn't expirence sexual attraction at all.

Marinette didn't think she was pansexual. She didn't think she could be attracted to everyone. Some people were too weird for her.

The bluenette tapped her fingers on her desk as she looked at the computer screen. She was super confused. She knew she had to like girls cause the way Kagami had made her feel earlier was not something a straight girl would feel.

"I don't know Tiki I'm so confused!" Marinette slammed her face on her desk. Tiki looked over at their master and sighed. "Marinettte, I know this isn't an easy thing to figure out and it could take years before you can finally figure out what your sexuality is. Right now you just need to acknowledge the fact that you like Kagami and that Kagami is a girl."

Marinettte lifted her head off her desk and shut off her laptop. This was so confusing! How would she know who she liked? Before it was so easy. She just assumed she only liked boys but now, there's her.

"I think I'll just identity as queer for right now. I'm so confused but I know I really like Kagami.." Marinettte said to her Kwami.

Tiki smiled and patted Marinettte on the head. "That's a good choice for right now"

Marinettte walked over to her bed and laid back down. She somehow felt just a little bit better after looking up that quiz. Before she knew it her eyes were closing and she was entering the deep depths of sleep.

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