Chapter 5

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Marinette POV
Marinette couldn't pay attention during class today. All she could think about was her date with Kagami. She couldn't wait to take Kagami on the special date.

"Marinette psst!!" Alya whispered poking her best friend in the arm. "Girl whatcha daydreaming about?"

"NOTHING!" Marinette whispered back defensively.

Alya smirked. "Let me guess... You're probably daydreaming about a certain blonde boy who sits in front of you.. "

Marinette awkwardly laughed. "No, I'm not thinking about him. To be honest I'm pretty much over him."

Alya gasped. "I don't believe it! Marinette Dupain-cheng gets over her crush on Adrian Agrest?? That's not possible."

Marinette sighs "It absolutely is possible! After all the definition of crush is the strong but brief feeling of attraction twords someone."

Alya smirks. "The only way I'd believe it is if you have formed a new crush on someone else. So tell me, who has caught your eye?"

Marinette's face goes red. She wasn't ready to come out to anyone. "It's none of your business!" She quickly raises her hand.

Miss Bustier calls on her. "Miss Bustier, I really have to use the restroom." Marinette says nervously.

Miss Bustier smiles and says "Well you better go use the restroom then"

Marinette thanks the teacher and takes her leave. She books it down the hallway and runs into the girls bathroom. She takes a look around to make sure that she is alone. Once she is sure that she is alone she allows Tiki to fly out of her purse.

Tiki looks at their master with a look of concern. "Are you ok Marinettte? You don't look well."

Marinette sighs and sits down on a bench in the bathroom. "I don't know... I mean for the longest time I've had a crush on Adrian but now I like Kagami and my feelings for her came so quickly. They literally came out of nowhere! I'm just scared that Alya is going to get suspicious of me. I'm not ready to come out. Especially when I don't even know what sexuality I am. All I know is that I REALLY like Kagami!"

Tiki rests their tiny hands on Marinettte's shoulder. "It's alright Marinettte. Just breathe. You're going to be ok! I'm sure everything will be alright. Just take baby steps! Try coming out to your dad. You're mom already knows so it can't hurt to let him know as well."

Marinette sighs and smiles. "You're right. I just gotta take things slow.."

Marinette and Tiki hear the bathroom door open and Tiki quickly zooms back into Marinette's purse.

Marinettte looks up to see Alya standing at the doorway. "Girl are you ok? You zoomed out of class and you sounded upset."

Marinettte sighs. "I'm fine really it's just that.. you're right I have formed a new crush on someone. I'm just trying to get used to the idea of me and them together. I'm not ready yet to reveal who this person is. I'm scared that you won't like them."

Alya walks over to her bff and hugs her. "Oh Mari I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have made you feel like you had to tell me who you liked. You can tell me when you're ready ok girl?"

Alya pulled away and Marinettte smiled. "Ok ☺️"

The two walked back to class together.

Dragons and Bugs | A Marigami fanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu