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Onika Maraj


"I don't understand why you still talk to that dweeb anyway." My friend and cheerleading teammate Lauren said.

I sucked my teeth, giving her a death glare. She threw her hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying. I mean...she can ruin you Nic. You don't want that after all you've accomplished at this school do you?"

I sighed. "Lauren, can you not be shallow for once in your life? Beyonce is my friend, and she always has been-"

"Yeah, your annoying ass, nerdy ass friend that is in love with you, might I add that she has a dick?!"

I sighed, shaking my head and rubbing my temples. "Who I choose to talk to is who I choose to talk to ok. Me and Beyonce have been friends since before me and you ever even met, and you know I'm loyal. If it came down between you or her, I'd pick her over you any day." I said angrily, stopping in the middle of the track.

She rolled her eyes, turning around and continuing to walk. "Whatever."

I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk with her.

We walked for about 5 minutes in comfortable silence when I realized that Beyonce was sitting on the bleachers, pushing her glasses up on her face and looking through some booklet.

I smiled. "I'll see you later at practice Lauren." I started to walk up the bleachers, but her hand stopped me.

"Don't tell me your going up there to talk to her." She gave me warning eyes, but I didn't care. Not to throw my ego out there or anything, but I pretty much run the school, if I wanted to. Luckily, I'm not, and never have been that type of person who uses my status to fuck with people. That wasn't how i was raised.

I nodded, snatching my arm away from her. Why does she have such a problem with her? "Yes, I am. Bye." And with that, I walked up the bleachers to the very top where Beyonce was.

I stood in front of her, hoping and waiting for her to look up, but she didn't. She was to focused on what she was doing, so I said something. "Hey Bey." She jumped, slightly screaming and throwing the booklet she had in the hands down the bleachers.

I raised an eyebrow. "You ok?"

She nodded, looking away as she pushed her glasses up. "Y... yeah. Y-you just scared me." She chuckled.

I smiled, sitting next to her and turning towards her. Beyonce's a great friend, don't get me wrong, I just don't really have much time to talk to her in school because of the circumstances. She thinks I don't talk to her because I'm embarrassed of her, but that's not true at all, I do it for her own good.

I've seen what happens after she talks to me. The football players and anyone in this stupid school who hates her because of who she is, usually end up hurting her. And I don't like to be the reason she gets beat up or bullied, so I just stay away.

She's had this huge crush on me since we were kids. I think it's cute. When we were younger, she made it way more evident and would always shower me in gifts and compliments. She still does it now, just....not as much. And I admit, I miss her, and i miss the compliments.

She would always write me poems, really sweet ones that I've kept in a chest over the years. Once we got to high school and things got worse for her, those stopped to. It breaks my heart to see that she went from being shy and secluded, to being extra shy and depressed. She tries to play it off like she isn't, but I can see it. The usual glow she has, and that twinkle in her eyes that drew me to her in the first place, were gone.

When she smiled, there wasn't joy behind it, there was only pain and anger. Her family doesn't make it any better, I'm just glad she's still pushing on, because I don't know what I'd do if i lost her.

"Maybe you should pay attention then next time, don't you think?"

She chuckled, her face turning red. I smiled, reaching over and pinching her cheek. "Don't hide your face from me Bey. You act like I don't know you like me."

"W...well....I know you do, but maybe we should just ignore that."

I creased my eye brows. "Why?"

She looked up at me, confusion written all over her face. "Because....it's wrong for me to like you."

I chuckled. "Good thing you don't like me then." I smirked.

She creased her eye brows. "What?"

"You love me Bey. Remember the poem you wrote me for my 15th birthday?"

She knitted her eye brows together, playing with her bottom lip for awhile before her eyes lit up and she nodded. "Yeah! The one where I....where I...." She stopped, shaking her head and looking away from me. "Nevermind."

"No....no no no Giselle! God!" I sighed, slamming my hands on the concrete under me.

She jumped, looking at me like I was crazy. "Are you ok?"

"No! Stop lying to yourself Beyonce! Just say it! You keep....acting like you don't remember what you did."

She sighed. "I remember it...I just choose not to talk about it." She said as she pushed her glasses up.

I was about to say something, but got caught in the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes that I've ever seen. I sighed, reaching up and rubbing my thumb over her cheek.

She blushed, turning away from me. "Don't pretend it didn't happen because it did. Look Bey, I want you to come over my house today after school ok."

She nodded. "But...don't you have practice?"

I shrugged. "I'm the captain. They do what I say."

She laughed, snorting a few times before she shook her head and stopped laughing. I smiled, trying to hold back my laughter because her snorting was so cute to me.

I was about to say something, when the book she dropped came flying at us, well her, and hit her smack dab in the eye. She belted out. "Owwwwwww!!!" She screeched, holding her eye in pain.

I scoffed, standing up and looking down at the two guys who I know did it since they were laughing. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?! She hasn't done shit to you!!" I yelled angrily, trying to calm Beyonce down, but she was obviously in a lot of pain. Who wouldn't be after they just got hit in the eye with a hard ass book?

"Because I don't like nerds talking to my girl!!" Robert, otherwise known as Meek said. He's on the football team, and sure we dated for about 5 months, but he always fucked with Beyonce so I broke up with him. Now he won't leave me alone and he claims were still dating, but we're definitely not.

"We're not together dumbass!! Leave my friend alone!!"

He burst out laughing. "Girl your trippin! See you later babe!" He blew me a kiss before him and his friend walked off.

I scoffed, turning back to Beyonce who had blood on her hand. Oh God. Her mom is gonna kill me. "I'm sorry Bey." I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her in a hug.

"I'm just glad you didn't give him your virginity. Your to much of an angel for that." She mumbled, making me smile.

I miss her.

Ok, fine. I cracked. I'll go ahead and give you guys this last update before I go to bed. Like and comment. Love y'all! ♥️

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