7 - My Friend

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1 month later, Taehyung thought to stay at Yoongi's home since he just felt bad with Yoongi because he is busy nowadays.

Phone Call

Yoongi: Hello?

Taehyung: Hyung?

Yoongi: Are you confirm to stay here tonight?

Taehyung: Ne hyung. I will come over tonight

Yoongi: Arr okay then. See you tonight

Taehyung: Ne hyung.. but.. kundae

Yoongi: Uhm?

Taehyung: Can I bring along my friends?

Yoongi: Friends? Nugu?

Taehyung: Just.. friend hyung. Is that okay?

Yoongi: Okay.

Taehyung: Alright hyung. See you later.

Yoongi: Ne..

The friend that Taehyung refers to is Jin. Finally, Jin made a decision to meet up with Yoongi and at the same time, he really missed his son so much. On the other hand, he also keeps dreaming about Yoongi being in a hard state, taking care of their child alone. Out of nowhere, he also kept waking up in the early morning like from 3am until 6am. He feels weird because it rarely happens to him. He told this to others and their answer was maybe it was a father's instinct or maybe Yoongi in a hard situation. That makes him more worried.

After all, he just felt bad especially when he heard Taehyung stories once about Yoongi always wake up in the middle of the night because of Jungkook's crying. There's one night where Jungkook keeps crying and at the same time his milk is out of stock and he needs to go out with Jungkook' crying on his hand. Most of the time, Yoongi will always bring Jungkook anywhere even if he is just going out to throw away some rubbish. There will be no one to look after him in the house if he just left even just for a second. Jin just feels bad listening to it.

Yoongi's House (At 7PM)

As he is done preparing dinner for them, there's ringing at his door. He expects that it will be Taehyung and his friend, which Yoongi sure will be him and Jimin only.

As Yoongi opened the door, he was greeted with an excited Taehyung with Jimin on his side. Yoong smiled to them

Taehyung: Annyeong hyung?

Yoongi: Ne.. welcome. Hey Jimin and where... your friend?

Taehyung: Ahh.. mata... cha.. introducing my friend...

Then Jin come out from the wall next to Yoongi's house *after all he hide when Yoongi open his door for Taehyung

Yoongi startled when he saw Jin and quickly move his gaze to Taehyung

Taehyung silently speak

Taehyung: Please..

Yoongi: Arr.. ne... come in..

Taehyung smile to Jimin and all of them enter to house

Taehyung: Wa.. did you cook hyung?

Yoongi: Ne? Ne.. a little

Jimin: That must be hard hyung

Yoongi didn't replied instead said

Yoongi: cha.. have a sit first at the living...

Taehyung: Hyung.. I get it okay.. btw, where is my baby Jungkook hyung?

Yoongi: *while going to the kitchen* He asleep

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