Amina Namikaze

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I pulled the clump red hair from my mouth as I sat up, light flooding through my bedroom window and bringing me from my already half conscious state

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I pulled the clump red hair from my mouth as I sat up, light flooding through my bedroom window and bringing me from my already half conscious state. A happy humming filled the house, making my stomach flutter with a familiar joy. The tune easily pulled me out of bed and lead me down the hall to the kitchen

"Morning mom" I called out, glancing around the brightly lit room

"Good morning Amina! Are you excited for your first day of class?" mom asked excitedly from the kitchen a wide grin set on her face

"So excited!" I cheered, pumping my fist in the air

"Where is daddy?" I questioned, uncertain whether he was back from his mission or not. A squeak erupted from my lips as large hands grabbed under my arms, hoisting me up into the air

"Right here, Pumpkin" He greeted, a giggle pulled air from my lungs as he spun me around

"You're coming to the ceremony thing right?" I asked and he closed his blue eyes, blonde hair bounced as he tilted his head to the side

"Why do you think I finished my mission so fast" His bright smile was nearly blinding as he spoke

"Eat up you two or we're going to be late" Mom said, setting our plates on the table for each of us . Dad moved to sit me down and I immediately started munching on the pancakes presented me

"Are you nervous at all?" Dad questioned, and I shrugged

"No.. I mean you and mom taught me a lot of stuff, I can already focus my chakra and climb trees plus, Kakashi sensei has been teaching me taijutsu a lot so I think I will be fine" I muffled around a particularly big bite of fluffy pancake

"Owww'' I whined, pain blossoming at the top of my head. I reached up to rub the spot mom had hit with her spoon trying fruitlessly to ease the sting

"Don't talk with your mouth full" She scolded and I frowned glaring up at dad who was heartily laughing at me. He was normally at the receiving end of her spoon so it was understandable

"She's right, that's bad manners" He commented while taking a hefty bite of pancake himself, making a point to meet mothers glare as he spoke. Chakra flared from beside me, I looked between mom's hair that now swayed around her head meanicingly and the stupid grin dad wore. A laugh ripped through my body as mom launched herself over the table to punch him on top of the head, her reprimands thoroughly drowned out by dads boisterous laughter as he tried to protect himself from her fury

"Okay, okay Kushina.. I'm sorry" He choked out, still laughing as she sat back down in a huff. Amusement shimmered in his bright blue eyes as he looked back at me, giving me a slight thumbs up that just missed moms vision

"Why do you call him sensei, he's only a bit older than you" Mom asked suddenly and I thought about the angry looking boy that I even recognized as being brilliant far past his years

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