Fever dreams

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We were traveling through the land of Iron simply because Jiraiya was curious about the place itself, the snow was actually refreshing to see after not seeing snow for so long. We had been in Mount Myoboku all throughout winter last year so I was excited to see the beautiful flakes fall around me as I walked but it wasn't enough to bring a smile to my face. More like a recognition that I loved snow and that it would bring me pure joy before but that thought was dull in the back of my mind

"We will be staying here tonight, it seems like a blizzard is coming" Jiraiya called over to me as we came to a stop in front of a cheap looking inn, the only kind we stayed at. Once he had paid for the room and dropped his stuff inside the door he offered me a wave

"Going to check out the hot springs before the storm hits, they are indoors here! I will be back later" he said with a giggle and I nodded

"Have fun" I called back before letting out a sigh and flopping back on the futon I had just laid out, letting my thoughts wander. A familiar uncomfortable stinging sensation washed over me and I sighed, trying to suppress the pain as the tingling turned to a prickly burning. Kurama's chakra was heavy in my gut and his hatred spread throughout my body like a fire. The only thing my body called out for was the cold release of numbness so I got up and went to the bathroom. There was a small tub that I filled with cool water as I pulled off my kimono shirt, slipping into the water with the thin barrier of my underclothes on. I opened the small window above the tub letting in the brisk air from outside, even bringing in a few snowflakes as I lowered myself into the water. Shivering in immediate bliss as the burning sensation faded, replaced with the numb prickle of my skin and muscles. Leaning my head against the blue tiles I took slow breaths as my body lost feeling, watching the clouds of air move past my lips with each breath. I couldn't feel anything, not physically or within my chakra network, including the Nine Tails. 

Finally, blissful nothingness this was so much easier

When my vision began to blur and darkness clouded around me panic started to rise in my chest but when I tried to move none of my muscles responded.

This wasn't right

The familiar clicks of Jiraiya's sandals against the wood floor and a door opening brought me from my mostly unconscious state and I peeled open my eyes, trying to once again move but I could only shiver under the blanket of frigid water.

"Jiraiya" I called out but it only sounded as a hoarse whisper

"Jirai-ya please, help" I called again, a little louder this time but not much. A few tears slipped past my eyes as they closed again until the door slammed open

"Amina" Jiraiya gasped, lunging to the side of the tub and reaching his hands under me, so warm in comparison to everything else.

"Why would you do freeze yourself like this" He questioned, his voice deadly serious as he pulled me from the water and tight to his warm body

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"Why would you do freeze yourself like this" He questioned, his voice deadly serious as he pulled me from the water and tight to his warm body

"It's the only way to numb" I mumbled my brain moving too slow as a few tears slipped past my eyes, burning a hot trail down my frozen cheeks

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