Sneaking away

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I was fourteen years old, traveling through the large trees behind Jiraiya as we made our way to our next research spot, a hot spring. I felt a little bit of nervous joy building in me as we went, I knew Jiraiya would be so preoccupied staring at naked women through the steam that he may not notice my disappearance immediately. I had been waiting for a day like today for quite some time now, we were so close to the Leaf Village I could practically smell Ichiraku Ramen. I knew the trees by the Leaf Village, how they grew and how they looked this time of year was engraved on my very soul as my home so as soon as I noticed them I knew it was soon time to sneak away.  I needed to meet my brother, I needed to see Kakashi again and walk through my home. It had been eight excruciatingly long years and I felt that was enough time to have earned a visit, whether it was strictly allowed or not.

Once we got to the small town I dropped off my backpack in the room where Jiraiya had plopped down and muttered something about training that earned a nod and some excited muttering about writing without a little girl in the room judging him. I went off like I normally would to the outskirts of the town before making a fast break for the way I knew led to the Leaf. It was a quick run, considering all the time I spent traveling it was nothing at all. My legs strained to go as fast as possible until I saw the gate, that beautiful green gate that brought tears to my eyes.

"I'm home" I whispered, clutching at the fabric covering my heart. I was technically dead, I couldn't go strutting around the village looking as I did now, I may be brave enough to break the rules but I wasn't going to actively draw attention to myself. So I formed the hand signs to do a transformation on my face and hair, no longer did I have whiskers and although I couldn't see them I had changed my deep blue eyes to the shade of purple moms had been. Instead of my thigh length red hair that I typically had flowing around my body I decided on blond locks that were tied loosely between my shoulderblades. Though I wouldn't admit it to anyone this was one of my favorite transformations, really I was just swapping my hair and eye color for the opposite parent.

Satisfied with my transformation I made my way up to the gate and was prepared with my reason for traveling into the leaf for the guards but they were both asleep. I let out a little sigh as I just walked through the gate and strolled through the streets that had changed a bit here and there but ultimately gave me the same sense of home that it always had. I huffed out a breath as I thought of what I should do first and smiled at the thought of catching up with my old friend who could undoubtedly take me to my little brother. With this thought in mind, and excitement vibrating through my bones almost making me physically shake I made my way to the Hatake household. I knocked on the door and waited but there was no response so I ran to the next place I may find the grey haired boy. I made my way through the familiar streets feeling slightly on edge. I wasn't sure how much trouble I would be in if I was found out but I felt in my heart that ultimately this was worth it, plus it's not as if I was parading around shouting about the Nine Tails inside me and how I was Minato's daughter. I rolled my eyes at the thought just as I came across the training grounds. There were a few children training but I walked deeper through the trees to the lesser known spots but each was deserted. I let out a sad little sigh as I leaned up against a tree thinking where else I should go look. Maybe it would be better to just go to Kakashi's house and stay there until he came back.. but what if he was on a mission.. I could always use sage mode and check for him but-

"Why so sad, kid?" I shuddered as the lazy voice cut through my thoughts. It was deeper than I remembered but undoubtedly familiar, comforting me like I just drank some warm tea.  I grabbed the bottom of my shirt tight as I looked up above me to see a full grown man with spiky grey hair lounging in the branches of the tree I had been leaning on. His long legs were crossed, his headband was pulled over his sharingan eye and his mask was still in place where it had always been. He seemed so much older than when I last saw him and I felt my heart beat faster as he still just tiredly gazed at me with his charcoal colored eye. What if he disapproved of me coming to visit him?

Kakashi x Oc I'll be waitingWhere stories live. Discover now