Little Brother

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I woke up in a cold sweat and sat straight up in bed quickly noticing the darkness outside my window and lack of bright comforting chakra in the house. Letting out a little sigh I wiped my face before swinging my legs over the bed and hopping down. Walking down the hall silently I checked if I was right and puffed out my cheek seeing mom asleep alone in hers and dad's bed. I absently scratched the back of my head with one hand while scribbling a quick note with the other telling mom where I was going. Not bothering to change out of my pajamas, I slipped on my sandals and hopped out of the window, nearly landing in a bush in my still sleepy state. I walked down the road to the familiar building and lugged myself up the stairs until I got to the large wood door. When I pushed open the door a giggle pulled from lungs seeing dad with his face pressed against the desk, his blonde hair askew and a small bit of drool slipping past his lips and onto the document under him. Quietly, I padded over to his side and shoved his shoulders, he immediately shot to his feet and looked around for whoever had woken him. A squeek wheezed out of my lungs at his sudden movement and I stepped back, clutching at the shirt over my heart, very much awake

"You scared the life out of me, you never wake up that quick" I gasped out

"What are you doing here pumpkin?" He asked quietly, shifting some of his papers before sliding his large hands under my arms and picking me up to sit me at his desk

"I woke up and you weren't home so I figured you were here" I mumbled reaching out for his hand as he retracted it. He squeezed my hand gently, a frown pulling at his lips as he sat back in his chair

"Sorry, I know it's weird to not have me around at night" He muttered apologetically but I just shook my head

"I don't mind, I like you here more than when you went on missions. At least you are safe here and I can come see you when I want to" I whispered earning a weak smile from him as he wrapped his arms around me and set his head in my lap

"There is really no point being here if you are just going to sleep, I mean you are just going to work yourself too hard" I said, laying my hand oh his head and running my fingers through soft hair while glancing down at the papers scattered over his desk

"But I have work to complete before I can rest" He argued tiredly lifting his head up and looking at the documents too

"Well, are people going to die if you don't get them done right away?" I questioned looking into his tired blue eyes

"Some of them, possibly" he sighed

"Well then do those but why worry so much about the others.. I mean the village isn't going to explode if you are a bit late with signing...permits to build new training grounds" I read off one of the papers I had in my hand

"I guess you're right, maybe I should just have you as one of my advisors" He joked around a yawn

"Let me just read over a few more things then I'll come home" He offered and I nodded, hopping off his desk

"I'll stay with you, just in case you fall asleep again" I said resting my hands on my hips, listening to his light chuckle as he pulled out the papers he needed to complete tonight

"Thanks pumpkin"

I sat on the ground behind his desk and looked out at the dark village. Suddenly I felt my body shifting without my consent and blearily opened my eyes, meeting deep blue orbs looking back at me accompanied by a tired smile

"You know, I could have fallen asleep without your supervision, very unprofessional of an advisor like you " He joked and I giggled, letting my head fall against his shoulder.

"My apologies Lord Fourth" I hummed, peering up at the night sky

"You see those stars? They are called the hand of healing" He said and I squinted up to where he pointed, very aware that there was no constellation called that

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