~ chapter 2 ~

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I make it back to the house in record time, basically fleeing from the scene that unfolded in front of me. I feel bad for Niki, I basically threw her to the wolves. But hey, maybe Prince Dream will fall in love with her and request her hand in marriage.

Although, I don't know how Wilbur would feel about that... Nonetheless, I doubt the Prince will want someone who owns a bakery. He's looking for someone with money, for someone who is not below him, who can be his equal.

Stepping into the house, I'm met with immediate chaos. Tommy and Tubbo are running throughout the house, Tommy screaming profanities as Tubbo laughs along behind him. My confusion about their fleeing is quickly dwindled as Wilbur appears, holding a wooden sword and stalking after them.

Due to the events happening, my return is unnoticed besides for my father, who is dodging the boys as he makes his way towards me.

"Did you get the stuff for supper?" He asks, quick and to the point as always.

I hum, "Yes, and a few extra pastries -" He opens his mouth to cut me off, -"courtesy of Niki, she wouldn't let me refuse." I finish, directing a sharp look at him.

"Alright, well then use them to distract the boys will you? I need to talk to Wil."

I smile at my older brother, who had been gone for a week now, searching for Techno. Father is still stuck on the hope that Techno didn't go far when he ran. But I know him, we were the closest. When he does something, he commits. He's probably a months journey away. It breaks my heart, but it's what Techno wanted.

I set down the bag Niki had handed me, and pull out the small box of pastries, attached to it is a note that she must have slipped in while I was distracted. it's addressed to Wilbur, and although part of my mind is itching me to open and read it, I disappointedly decide to be better than that.

But I really want to - no. I seriously shouldn't.

Sighing, I glare at the note before slipping it back in the bag - I'll be sure to tell Wil about it later.

Clearing my throat, I turn around right as the boys zoom by again. I smirk, reaching my arm out to grab Tubbo in the last second. He yelps and stumbles into me before quickly regaining balance.

"-Hey! What the -"

I cut him off before he can say anymore, " - I brought pastries boys!"

Tommy comes running out from the hallway, skidding to a stop in front of me and Tubbo. It's then I notice the amount of mud they've dragged in. Groaning internally, I decided that if they're going to want these pastries, they will work for it.

"But -"

Tommy whines, "No -," he drags out, "no buts. Just give us the pastries woman!" His voice raises with every word he speaks. Tommy's always been one for dramatics.

I shoot him a harsh look, "But, you guys need to clean up ALL of this mud before you get them."

Tubbo smiles, and drags Tommy away, chatting about how long it's been since they've had a pastry. Tommy follows behind him, dragging his feet in despair about having to clean.

As the two boy's wander into the kitchen to start cleaning, Wil and my father arise from the hallway, finishing off little whispers of their conversation.

A loud noise is heard from the kitchen, most likely something being tossed around by the boys. Nonetheless, it gets the attention of our father, and he turns away from Wilbur, heading into the kitchen.

I clear my throat, holding out a box with a pastry in it towards him. His eyes flicker over to me, a warm smile spreading across his face as he makes his way over in two short strides. Leaning against the table, I motion for him to do the same. Our bodies rest next to each other, little space in between as he takes the pastry from me.

Inner Wars II DreamWasTaken x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora