~ chapter 3 ~

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I swallowed my fear, forcing the growing lump down my throat as I put on a confident facade. I curtsied in respect, although it felt as if I was doing it out of spite. Grabbing my father's hand, I forced him to bow with me. Shocking him out of his confusion.

The Prince stood outside the door, the same guard from before flanking his side. As my father and I stood, he smiled warmly, making eye contact with me as he reached a hand out to my father.

Poor papa... Today was not his day. It took him a solid 5 seconds to realize that the prince wanted to shake his hand.

I'm so confused... what is happening? What kind of Prince goes around shaking hands of commoners?

How did he find out where I live?

He followed you... he's going to kill you

A sharp inhale from me directs the attention off of my father and back to me.

The Princes voice is softer than I expect as he speaks, addressing my father while keeping his gaze on me, "Mr. Lovéll, correct?"

My father has seem to gotten over his confusion and fear, standing up tall, eyes trained on the Prince like a bird ready to swoop down and attack. He nods, curt, and speaks quickly.

"Yes, your Majesty, that is correct."

The Prince hums slightly, and although his voice was rough, and deep. He was soft-spoken, "I am dearly sorry to intrude into your home on such short notice-" more like no notice at all, buddy. "-but I would like to speak with your daughter."

Great, talking like I'm not even standing right in front of him.

My father's brows raise, quirking slightly as his eyes drift to mine. I wonder if he can tell what's going on in my head. I stand, maintaining eye contact as I silently plead for him to say no, or to make up a dumb excuse.

But of course, as a man of respect, he nods, stepping slightly back and opening the door wider, "Would you like to come in for some tea?" He asks, straight to the point as always.

I expect the Prince to say no, to say that he'd rather leave than come inside and talk. But, he surprises me again, accepting with no hesitation to his words or thoughts. I step to the side as does my father, allowing room for the Prince and his guard to come in.

As the door closes, I can hear that the music the boys were once playing was gone, and it was eerily quite in the house, a rare occurrence that I usually have to beg for. But now, I wish it was loud again, when it's loud my thoughts aren't as scary, not in control anymore.

I turn my head, watching as the two young men step into the house. Flicking my eyes to the boys, I make direct eye contact withTommy, who unlike Tubbo and Wilbur, is sitting down, glaring at the men.

Slyly marching over to Tommy, I yank his arm, motioning for him to stand with the rest of us. With a annoyed huff, he stands, and as the Prince and his guard come to a stop in front of us, we bow.

I hear Tommy grumble under his breath, and discreetly elbow him. He shoots me a glare as we rise to standing once more.

"Your Majesty," Father begins, sparing us a glance as he talks, "these are my children, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and-"

"Lady Lovéll." The Prince speaks, smiling at my father, "We met, in town."

It seemed as though all the eyes of everyone in the room had turned to me, my brothers stares full of surprise and confusion.

"Mr. Lovéll, thank you for the invitation, but I was hoping to talk to your daughter alone."

My father nods, although hesitant, and lays his eyes on mine. Silently communicating, the softness hidden in his eyes told me enough I needed to know.

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