~ chapter 4 ~

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The lake was beautiful, glistening and perfect, just like always. It was a sense of comfort, security. A place that I only shared with people I trusted, people like my family, or Niki.

A young women sat adjacent to me, the only thing that I could make out was her smile, warm, inviting, familiar...

I reach an arm out, just barely touching her shoulder, warm to the touch as the sun beats down on us, "Mom?" I question.

As I reach to turn her toward me, her heard snaps - no- its head snaps toward me. What once was a face I recognized and loved had now turned. Morphing into a simple smiley face, one with beady black eyes that had no emotions yet seemed to scream a thousand words.

I scrambled to standing as the face reached out to me, holding an axe in it's other hand. Gasping, I turned running. But I could't shake it, darkness followed the face as it ran after me, threatening me, threatening my life.

The closer it got to me, the slower I could run, glancing back at the face, the darkness had consumed everything I love, everything I cherish and hold close to me.

As the face got closer to me, it swung it's heavy axe, piercing through the air and -


My eyes shoot open, barely blinking at the light flooding into the room. Groaning, I close them again, burying myself under the covers, hoping to wallow in my own self pity for longer. It's easy to forget what the dream I had was even about, and before I know it I'm on the verge of sleep again.

Alas, as I begin to drift into a state of peacefulness it is rudely interrupted by the sound of screeching. Although I know it's Tommy screaming, there is a distinct moment where I think it may be a women screaming for help instead.

I can't wait to tell Tommy he screams like a girl.

Reluctantly, I begin to wake, sluggishly making my way out of the warm imprints my bed holds. Somehow, in my tired state I manage to dress myself in a decent looking outfit. A simple, ankle length chestnut skirt, attached to a similar color corset style blouse.

I pad barefoot out of my room, after Tommy's scream it's gone eerily quiet. Something that is odd for this house. I find the reason for it as I enter the kitchen, the only person in the house is Papa and I. He's turned to the sink, staring out the window as he cleans his hands.

"Did you send the boys outside?"He startles as I ask, turning the water off to turn to me.

Nodding he answers me, "Yeah, they were being too rambunctious and you were still trying to sleep," As he talks I begin to make my way to him, being pulled into his warm embrace as I stepped closer, his voice is more muffled as he speaks again, "Didn't want them waking you up after yesterday."

I feel him tense slightly as he mentions yesterday, and I know he won't speak anymore of it until I initiate the conversation.

The real question is do I even want to talk about it, I mean, I barely even know what happened. I say two words to the guy and he tracks me down? I can understand why it makes Papa tense. All he's ever worried about it protecting all of us, even if I may not be his blood daughter, I've never doubted that he loves me less than any of the others.

Shrugging out of his hug, I give him a tight-lip smile, "Where did you send the boys off to?"

"I just told them to make themselves busy and not come in until dinner." He replies, blunt as he focuses back into whatever is in the sink.

"Okay! Well, I'm going to go find and annoy them." I answer, making my way to the door and slipping on a pair of black leather boots.

"I wouldn't expect any less of you!" Papa calls after me. Scoffing out a laugh to myself, I finish lacing up my boots, straightening up as I grab my white cloak, pulling it on over my dress.

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