~ chapter 5 ~

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The silence was deafening, it seemed like no one dared to move a muscle. And then, all of the sudden it was like everyone had snapped back into reality, it felt like I was struggling to come up for air as the Prince maintained eye contact with me.

So many emotions burned inside of me, pooling at the pit of my stomach. I was angry with him, frustrated with my father, and embarrassed for me. The last time I saw him, no less than twenty-four hours ago, I had made a complete fool of myself. And now, my father invites him in for tea?

"Welcome home! I suppose I will start dinner now." I hear papa exclaim, but my focus is still caught on the Prince, who is still staring directly at me. For a moment, he smiles, turning away from me and toward my father.

"Thank you Mr. Lovéll." His voice is soft, contrast from the usual hardness it contains.

Papa smiles back, waving a hand in his direction, "Oh please, call me Phil."

I glance to Wilbur, who is standing beside me, and I'm sure the look of bewilderment on his face is a mirror of mine. 

Papa turns, heading to the kitchen. Itching to leave the tension filled room, I quickly follow. Scurrying away with a quick 'I'm going to go help'. I enter the kitchen before I can hear any of the protests my brothers spew out about being left alone with the two Royals.

As the swinging door comes to a close behind me, I clear my throat, successful in getting my fathers attention. He turns toward me, quirking an eyebrow in a silent question.

"Why would you invite him in papa?" I whisper, knowing how thin the walls are.

He merely smiles, turning back to the stove, where meat is defrosting, "Because he is Royalty, and I raised you all to be kind and considerate." I open my mouth to object, getting cut off as he whips his head toward me once again, "Also, to have respect, especially for those above you."

I groan, closing my eyes for a moment to soothe the anger rising in me. Deciding it's better to stay in here, I make my way to sit down in the rickety chair beside the sink. Only getting halfway across the kitchen, I'm interrupted once again by my father.

"Go make sure your brothers are being good please." As the sentence leaves his mouth, my eyes snap to the back of his head. I turn on my heels, mocking him under my breath. As I reach the kitchen door I take one last deep breath, steeling myself for anything that could happen once I cross the threshold. 

I push the door open, and all eyes follow me as I step into the room. It's dead quiet, a weird sight to see in this particular household. As my eyes search the room, I make the knowing decision to skip the Prince all together, instead looking straight at Tubbo, who seems to let out a breath of air.

I hum, hoping to ease the tension as I ask, "Would anyone like some more tea?" If father wants me to play host, then I'll play host, but that doesn't mean I'll like it- or be good at it...

I get a few collective answers of 'yes' from the Prince, his Guard, and Wilbur. Smiling, I walked to the fireplace, where the metal teapot stood above the flames, warming. Carefully, I grab a discarded towel, and use it to grip the hot metal.

After I collect the pot, I make my way to Wilbur, leaning over his shoulder to pour more tea in his forgotten cup. He smiles up at me in thanks, and I send him a playful wink back. Before I turn to the guard, I see Wilbur raise his eyebrows at me.

The guard makes eye contact with me, and moves slightly to make more room. I decided that I can't bear the silent tension in the room anymore, quickly thinking of something to start a conversation.

On a whim, I begin to speak, "So, your name is Nick?" I address the guard, half expecting him to ignore me as I finish pouring his tea.

He grunts, seeming taken aback by me striking up a conversation, "Yes. But I prefer Sapnap, only my parents call me that."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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