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Yesterday, I woke up to the most terrible news and this must be the saddest time I've experienced. I've already cried and cussed many times already and tears still fall at the thought of what's going to happen. This is only the start and I know they have planned a hell lot of troubles ahead.

I'm devastated. I am from Myanmar and we have a critical issue. Our country's military has taken down the government and control every communication service around Myanmar. Some of our national leaders have been captured by them too. We need to collect as many signatures as we can for a petition. If you could spare your time and contribute your signature, please participate in the petition. I've attached the petition link in my bio. Every voice counts. Thank you so much.

Please help us out. Spread the news as possible as you can. We need you. We need the world. Myanmar needs you. Myanmar needs the world.

#SaveMyanmar 🇲🇲
#SaveBurma 🇲🇲
#RejectTheMilitary !!!

[And if you think our national leader is racist, she (Daw Aung San Su kyi) was framed for Rohingias issues, it was  the military who was in charge and involved  in rohingias genocide.People around the world misunderstood about that scenario. Only the military ( dictator) have the power of our military, in which our state counselor Daw Aung San Su Kyi was not responsible for what the military did to the rohingas.]

Please help us. Thank you.

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