42.Veggy Trouble

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Your pov:
I thought today was going to be the best day of my life but Darcy's spoiling it!

There wasn't any cereal left for her breakfast and so, I prepare her a plate of colourful fried rice with broccoli, green peas, cubes of carrots, yellow corns and more. It looks so colorful and delicious yet, Darcy's not eating it!

"Gosh! For goodness sake! Please eat this plate of vegetables! I'm getting late for work, honey!" I scold her but she still stubbornly shakes her head and pushes her plate of breakfast across the table.

"I don't like vegetables, mommy!" She cries so loud, my husband, her father, came walking downstairs to find out why the house was so noisy.

"What's going on with you two, huh?" He asked with a sleepy voice while walking towards me to give me a morning kiss and grabbing a mug of water at the same time.

"Why's the house so noisy in the early morning?" He groans and takes a sip of water from his mug. "It's Darcy, Harry! She isn't taking the breakfast I've made for her." I complain while I prepare my lunch box.

"Well,...I think you're gonna be late for work, darling." Harry remindes me, looking at his watch. "I know!" I shout back and pick up the car keys from the floor.

"Why don't you leave Darcy and me?" He requests to help.

But if I leave her with her dad, he'll allow her to eat whatever she wants and he'll forget the plate of rice. Okay,...it wasn't important if she finished her breakfast but what if she won't eat vegetables for the rest of her life? That wasn't okay.


"I promised that she'll take her vegetables. Cross my heart." He gives me a big encouraging smile showing me that it is okay for me to leave for work. Since he crossed his heart, it's sure that he is going to keep his promise.

I wave goodbye to Darcy and her father before leaving.
Harry pov:
Darcy jumps out of her seat and walks to me. I carry her onto my laps and kiss her cheeks. "Okay, Darcy! Tell daddy what you want to eat."

"But, mommy will scold you and me if I don't eat that fried rice." Her big lips pout out. She looks so innocent yet so cute. "Shh..Let's just keep this secret between you and me, okay?" I point at her chest and brings out a pinky promise as she willingly joins her pinky finger into mine.

"Tacos." Like father like daughter.
In the afternoon,...
After having a packet of tacos, Darcy falls asleep while watching television. I clear up the plate of fried rice into my stomach before her mother comes back. I put a blanket on Darcy and kiss her cheek. I know I'm kind of spoiling her habits but I also want to see her happy.

I'm clearing my shelves of book when a picture falls out from one of the books. I look at it carefully and find out that it was (y/n) and me when we first met. It was a beauty contest and she won the most beautiful skin award. She had a small blue tiara on her head and and an envelope in her right hand smiling at the camera and holding my hand at the same time.

Then,..I just had an idea.
"Are you awake already, love?" I remove the blanket on Darcy as she sits up. "I'm hungry, daddy. " She yawns. "I have a very delicious meal prepared just for you, lovely!" I smile cheekily. It was fried rice but...

"Really?" Her eyes light up when she heard the word "delicious" .

"Yeah. But before that, I want to show you something." I pull out the photo I saw earlier and put it infront of us. You see this beautiful lady in here?" I point at (y/n) in the photo. "Yep. She's so beautiful and wow, she had such beautiful skin." She replies.

"Yep. That's your mommy, Darcy." I explains and smile widely. "Really?" She exclaims, shocked. "You want to be like mommy?" I question her.

"Of course, daddy!" She cries happily.

"Then, you'll have to eat vegetables." I reply, waiting for her expression. She looks un-interested when she heard vegetables. "What does it have to do with vegetables?" She asks curiously.

"Well, vegetables make your skin nice and glow." I simply tell her. "Okay then. I'll eat vegetables from now onwards." She decides.

"C'mom. I promise that they taste delicious." I grab her small hand and lead her to the kitchen. Soon enough, she was eating fried rice with the colourful vegetables. Phew.
My very first chapter after a very long time. :) I hope got enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to take your veggies.😂

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