65. Taken (2)

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Your pov:
After listening to my old friend's reasons why I shouldn't break up with Harry, I walk back into the house but I'm still going to stay mad because he's too cute when he wants me to stop being angry at him.

I look around the house and my eyes lay on Harry and a girl who has a good body figure. Her arms are hanged around his neck. They look like they are quarrelling but why she does she seem so close to him? I stop in my tracks to watch their next move.

The girl starts kissing him. He hesitates for a while but he also kisses her back. Both of them look so into kissing that they are pushing each other closer although there's no gap inbetween.

Tears start to form in my eyes. I see the girl's hands crawling into his shirt. Why Harry? Why? How could you .....? Then, Harry opens his eyes and sees me. He gives me a shocked and sad look. I cover my mouth with my hand and get out of the house. This time, I won't come back again. It was raining but I'm walking down the street, cold and lonely.

"Hey." I feel a hand grabbing tight on my wrist. I turn around and see that it was Harry's. "Please let me explain."

"What are you going to say? That I'm sorry I kissed another girl. Please forgive me?" I say between cries. "You told me that cheating hurts but why are you cheating on me too?"

"It's not how it looks. I'm sorry, (Y/N) but please don't leave me. Please. You're the one I only loved. I did enjoy thd kiss but it's you -" I slap him hard. I take back my hand when I realise that I did what I didn't mean to. Both of us are now drenched and crying like mad people in the pouring rain.

"I hate you. If you really love me, you wouldn't kiss her back and please stop bothering me. Leave me alone. And let me go." I cry, knowing this would hurt but I'm doing this for both of us.

"I can't let you go, (Y/N). Please don't do this. Please." He takes my hand and rubs it slowly.

"Goodbye. Harry." I take my hand back and walk away from him.
Harry's pov:
I can't believed this is actually happening. I smash everything I see in sight and squat down to cry more.

"You told me that cheating hurts but why are you cheating on me too?"

Her voice echoes in my head although she's already gone.

No one's outside now and so, I lay down onto the grass and hope that every drop of rain that lays on my body can wash away all the pain that I'm going through.

I'm a mess. I thought and cry. "Hey, mate. I saw a man following your girl. He looks suspicious. You should follow them. He's got a knife in his hand." Liam comes with an umbrella and informs me.

I thank him and quickly get up on my feet. I ask him which direction they went and also to inform the police.
Where are they? I'm standing at a crossroad deciding which way to go and I suddenly see the man. They're walking towards a parking lot.

I follow the man slowly and hide behind a car when he turns around. (Y/N) must be hiding in this place too. Where is she? I look around and see the main electric switch and her glittery shoes sparkling.
Your pov:
I notice a man following me. He looks like some kind of killer. So, I enter a parking lot and stand behind a wall, catching my breathe. The lights suddenly go out and it makes me more scared. This is the worst day ever.

I feel a hand on my wrist and another on my mouth. This touch feels familiar. My eyes go wide and feel relieved as I notice Harry's emerald eyes.

I take his hand off my mouth and whisper, "What are doing here?"

"Follow me." He whispers back and intertwines my hand in his. We walk slowly and quietly to the exit. Thank god Harry's here.

Suddenly, I feel someone wrapping his arm around my neck and dragging me away from Harry. Harry comes to us as our hands loosen grip.

"You think you can get away that easily?" The man put a knife on my neck and says quickly.

"Who send you after her?" Harry puts his hands up and asks.

"Jenny. She was angry for what you said to her earlier so I'm here." He replies and laughs like the mad hatter.

So, that girl I saw with Harry was actually Jenny? Everything's fitting into the right place and I finally understand the situation.

"Let her go." Harry is controlling his anger as possible as he can.


"Let her go and have me instead."

"Nah. Jenny wanted the girl, not you. She never wanted you." He replies abruptly and laughs again. It looks like the man broke the last straw. Harry stomps towards us .

"Don't come near us or I'll kill her." He threatens Harry and squeezes my neck between the arm of his.

"Let's negotiate this. Why don't we try one Vs one?" The man asks.

"But I d -on't have a weapon." Harry startles.

"Okay then. We'll do it this way then." He says and squeezes my neck more.

"Don't you f**** land that dirty hand of yours on her again. Let's just fight." Harry gives up.

I shake my head and cry. After the man ties my body onto a pole, Harry and he start to fight while I try to get free. Then, I heard the sound of knife cutting through flesh.

I turn around and see the the knife in Harry's arm. When I get free, I ran towards them. The man rans away and finally, the police arrive.
We tell the police what happened and decribes the face of the man. Luckily, an ambulance came along with the police so it is convenient for Harry.

While we talk with the police, a call comes to tell that the man is caught. I feel sorry for Harry. He sacrificed his life for me.

I smile, looking at him and when he caught my eye contact, I look at the sky and pretend to look curious.

He takes my hand and says, "I'm really sorry for what happened at the party. Could you forgive me?"

"Yes." I say as fast as he finishes without looking at him.

"Thank you, (Y/N), thank you. I love you. I promise to be better." He kisses my hand and I smile at him.

"Thank you too, Harry."

"For what?" He askes confused.

"For saving my life."

"At your service, my lady." He jokes and we laugh together.
Didn't expect it to be this long. :D

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