Stupid Baby Names

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A mother was sitting on the couch reading a book when one of her children walked up to her and said, "Mummy, why is my name Petal?"

The mother replied, "Because when you were born, a petal fell on your head."

The next baby walked up and asked, "Mummy why is my name Rose?" she replied,

"Because when you were born, a rose fell on your head."

The last baby walked up to her and said, "BLAS CLAFLAS YIFRASSAM TASSM POONNFFFIINRTY."

The mother replied, "Please be quiet, Refrigerator."


Haha a refrigerator fell on the kids head so he talks all weird!!!

Get it!?

Hope you like it!!!!!


Isabella Duggan

HumorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora