Home at last

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Everyone got on the airplane and headed back home, tsume was the most excited out of everyone. She also got a surprise when seeing her brothers and kimi and Friends at the airport waiting for them with open arms.

"I've missed you so much"

Kimi said hugging tsume as she hugged her back

"So how was your trip, did you have fun?"

Kimi asked

"Did you see Tommy?"

The twins asked in unison as tsume frowned at this looking away from kimi, kimi knew something happened as she changed the subject and everyone went home for a long-needed break.

A couple of days later tsume kept to herself as she started to think back about what happened in New York. She didn't want to believe that Tommy set that up for Rachel to hurt her. She trusted him, well, Chris didn't and she started to see why he didn't and completely forgot about Rachel being Tommy's Shadow. She could feel herself shiver a little as she thought about Rachel's eyes and what she was planning on doing to her but shook the thought from her head when she heard a knock on her door.

" Come in"

She said as her little brother dice came in looking annoyed

" Something wrong dice?"

Tsume asked getting off her bed as he only sighs

" You have a visited and it's not Ryuichi"

He said as tsume knew who he was talking about. She followed her brother out of her room and saw in the living room Christopher tied up with her sisters pointing water guns at him

" Help me please"

Christopher said as tsume giggled. After getting Christopher free from her siblings they went to the back yard to talk

" What's up Christopher?"

Tsume said

" Nothing, just came over to see how you were doing "

He said nervously as there was a sound of the water guns loading up

"Hey kids can you give us some space"

Tsume asked as her siblings looked at each other and nodded.

"Your siblings are monsters "

Chris said making Tsume laugh

"Everyone says that to them but I understand, they don't want me to leave them again "

She said as Chris looked at her for a while before saying

"Look, what happened in New York stays in New York ok. I don't want you back to how you use to be"

He said as tsume smiled and thanked him

"So where's your prince charming?"

Chris asked

"Working. He would be spending time with me but hey you won't let him back in"

"Your right and I have my reasons"

"I'm sure"

Tsume said rolling her eyes

"Tsume, if your not busy I wouldn't mind if we could do something together?"

Christopher asked making Tsume sigh when hearing this

"No, sorry, I'm keeping my time clear for Ryuichi."

She said as Christopher deep sigh

"You're going to waste your time waiting for him"

"He's my boyfriend Christopher"

Tsume said as he knew this was tense but he didn't want to seem jealous of Ryuichi, it was hard to see her with someone she didn't love

"If that's all your here for then You can go"

Tsume said as he Christopher stopped her

"How about this, we get the others to come with us to eat "

"You're just trying to get me alone with the others doing something else"

"Well you got me "

Christopher said with a laugh, before tsume could say anything her sister Hana came down with her cellphone

"Tsume, Auntie is on the phone!"

"Thank you, Hana"

Tsume said as she saw the look of uneasiness on Christopher's face.

"Hello auntie is very nice to hear from you again"

She said trying to sound polite as possible, she couldn't really forgive her for all the crap she's put her through. as of now she kind of wondered where her auntie went after she headed back home and doing that favor she asked of her

"So good to hear from you again my sweet little tsume. How's the family?"

"All good, what's new? "

"Nothing really, after I got done with my work I decided to give you a ring to see how are you doing... in the love department."

"I rather not talk about it"

"Understood, what about your music surely enough there's something going on with that?"

"my music is fine auntie there's nothing for you to worry about but I guess you should know that we did go to New York and did break a record deal."

"Touche little one. I knew you would make it big just like your auntie, but I think I should warn you about a little mishap how about the little favor that you asked of me"

"Forget about it a little mishap happened in New York"

"I see... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was up to my knees with work"

Aya said as tsume sigh

"But on the side now it's now that she's got her own work to deal with she can't bother auntie's favorite baby anymore"

"You don't need to baby me auntie I know how to take care of myself... But I would have to ask wasn't you that set her up with that job or was she the one that got it for herself"

"I might have pulled a string or two but it was either that or have her go after you again"

"Was there any deals in that deal?"

"Just one, that's if she ever leaves New York she would be met,by my attorney"

"I like to see how long that last"

Tsume said annoyed as she heard her Aunt chuckle and then went silent for a few minutes before she said she had to go and before tsume could speak, the phone with Dead.

"Ok well bye"

Tsume said as Christopher got up and told tsume he will bug her later, he didn't say why he was leaving it was almost as if she knew why he was leaving but thought nothing of it.

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