Im Not A Superstar

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Tsume pov)

Tsume and the girls walked with christ to the photoshoot, first, he said something about it being a good image for their music and since they have a lot of fans they're going to need some more accessories. The girls seem to want the lifestyle of what they're going for they just wanted to play music for fun , they didn't think that being famous or popular meant that they would have to do all of this stuff and run themselves to the ground. Tsume on the other hand one of the back out of this but after getting a reasonable reason from Christopher why they have to do it either way he was the boss so she had to pull through it.

2 hours later after the photoshoot, the girls headed off to meet the mad that they met before that Christopher introduces them to that he wanted to make them a record deal, now this guy was pretty much head over heels for a Tsume as he seem to find her The Shining Star in the group,He was always kind to her as he talked to the group about the music that he wanted them to sing, the girls love the idea of there songs being pop and some rock. As they show to be that type of band after a long day of music and singing they finally headed to the hotel to rest.

Tsume took out her cellphone and text Ryuichi how her day was going, all of his words was Encouraging soon Came To Remember the words that Christopher told her, she wondered if he really meant any of that which he already knew that he did I didn't want to be seem like it was all for nothing

She knows the feelings that she had for Chris were still there but she didn't love Christopher the same way anymore or at least that's what she wanted to believe. being back with Ryuichi was the best thing that she could ever have she knew that if she gave him up again there will be no turning back.

She felt her phone vibrate a couple of times snapping out of her thoughts as she looked down and saw that Ryuichi was still texting her

* if you're not happy singing anymore you know you could always quit*

She read the message which made her eyes widen as she can understand why he would write something like that but then again I guess she had been a little bit unhappy about the music thing going on and the feelings between her and Christopher, the only reason why she was still singing was that she enjoyed it and she didn't want to give it up it felt like if she gave up music it'll be getting rid of a happy part of her

* what are you talking about I am happy and now I'm not quitting my music*

I'm back and she smiled a little bit at what she sent which was not true. not having her boyfriend also be in the band made things a lot awkward between two boys that had a crush on her as she was the one that had to decide whether or not she loved or the one that she used to love. thinking back on it the feelings that she had for Christopher was real and genuine as he meant every word when he said that he wasn't going to leave her but she couldn't blame and Hate Ryuichi for leaving her to go take care of his mom and then end up a prisoner in his own house by his father, but then again she wish that he could have at least told her about it before he took off without an explanation and she felt betrayed by best but at the same time what was her feelings telling her?

her phone vibrated once again making her look up at it as she saw the message from Ryuichi

* I wasn't asking you to quit I was just telling you if you're unhappy you can. nobody is keeping you Shackled down as a prisoner*

She flipped her phone over not wanting to answer back to him as she lay down on her bed with a deep sigh. Ryuichi could always read her like an open book just like Christopher could. both boys were both amazing as she didn't know if she was ready to give up what she loved or let-go of who she loves. her thoughts were once again. Came to the door she sat up telling them they're allowed to enter as it was Lily who came in with her laptop

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