3 is a crowd

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Tommy POV)

The next day after school tomorrow went with Kimi to the studio seeing she was Free today and wanted to spend more time with her even though Rachel told him not to but Kimi told him' what she doesn't know won't hurt her'

"excuse me, where can I find tsume?"

kimi asked the front desk

"She's not in today she left with Mr. Christopher a minute ago"

"Where too?"

"The pool"

"Oh, ok thanks"

They got a ride to the Indoor pool, once inside they heard giggling and laughing

"Don't let me go "

"I won't let you go, I promise"

Tommy looked to see tsume and Christopher in the pool, she was on a floaty as he was pushing it around

"Just breath and relax"

He told her

"Yeah easy for you to say I'm stuck and you could just tip me whenever you feel like it "

"I wouldn't do that to you, I promise"


Kimi called to her as they looked to them

"Kimi !"

"What Happened, I thought you were free?"

"I am but as you can see this shark kidnapped me for swimming lessons"

"Does that mean you're too busy to hang out?"

"Of course not"

Once they got out of the pool Tommy couldn't stop looking at her as she had on a blue one-piece swimsuit, as he was checking her out he hears a whistle drawing his attention to Christopher who mouth keep your eyes up here as he had to fingers to his eyes referring to tsume

"I'll go change and Will be off ok"

Tsume said as Kimi nodded, tsume hurried to the changing room as Christopher did the same but instead of going to the man's changing room he went into the girls changing room as Tommy gasp when seeing this but then the door opened seeing tsume pushing him out and to the boy's side

"There's your door sir try not to get lost in there"

She said Patting his shoulder before she could walk away Chris grabbed her hand

"Want to come in and help me dress my self"

"Uh, you'll be fine"

She said pulling away from him and going back into the changing room, once done changing they plan to go into the town fair, there were rides and a lot of games to play and things to buy

"So what should we do first?"

Kimi asked

"Hm, I wanna look around"

Tsume said as she walked off alone with Christopher following behind her, Tommy didn't like how close he was getting he would always try to shower her with things or flirt with her

"Do something Tommy"

Kimi whispered to him as he didn't know what to do, he never faced Christopher and didn't think it would be a good idea

"Tsume I think Tommy is jealous that your not spending time with him"

Kimi said as tsume looked to him

"Sorry Tommy, what would you like to do?"

She asked as he thought for a minute, a minute later they were at the studio as tsume played her violin for everyone, it was a sweet Melody that could and would put you to sleep but it was too good to sleep through in the end they clapped when it was over

"Ok well that was something new, are you practicing without the band?"

Chris asked as tsume rolled her eyes

"How about we play together?"

Christopher asked walking over to where the other instruments were

"I didn't know you could play?"

Tsume said surprised as he picked up a guitar

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me tsume"

He said with a wink, he strums his guitar and Started to play show off his skills impressing tsume and Tommy didn't like that, but there was nothing he could do, he didn't know how to play anything. The watched as tsume and Christopher played together tsume almost like it was a Battle between the two

"Go tsume go !"

Kimi shouted as changed her normal violin to an electric violin as it mimics the sound of an air guitar. Then the door opened as Faiya walked in

"I thought we had the day off and I come in to be alone and this is what I see"

"Faiya, what are you doing here?"

kimi asked

"Looking for my jacket but now I have a better reason to stay"

She said as she ran over to the drums and started to play, a minute later Lita came then Lilly and even Ryuichi. Everyone was having a blast dancing and playing to anything they came up with that night everyone packed everything up and headed home

"Uh tsume"

Tommy called as tsume she looked to him

"Thanks for today"

"Anytime Tommy, you know you're always welcome here "

She said until an arm was wrapped around her

"Yeah but not when I'm around"

Chris said act all cool but got pushed away by Faiya

"Ignore him, your good in my books Tommy"

Faiya said then pulled Chris away by his shirt as he was trying to get away

"I'm sorry about Rachel"

Tommy said not looking at her

"I couldn't...I didn't know what to say and I'm sorry and now she doesn't want us to see each other so I'm..."

"You're letting her win"

Tsume said cutting him off as he looked to her

"Look, I'm not telling you what to do but if your my friend and you want to see me I say do it but if you have something holding you back even if she is your girlfriend....break away "

"Tsume I ...can't do that"

"Love is strong thing Tommy but don't let it destroy you or your friendship...its just not worth losing"

Tsume's words hit him hard as he was about to say something the voice of Chris called to her

"I'll see you tomorrow Tommy, and please if you're trying to Miss one of my concerts I'll come to find you myself"

"But she..."

"Yeah I know but don't worry It'll work out "

She said as she waved and followed the others that were waiting for her  

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