the answer

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"Who is this, your new friend?" He asked as he walked up to her

" yes, uh tommy this is Ryuichi kiyoyama uh boyfriend " she said a bit embarrassed

" boyfriend?!" He said shock

" nice to mee you tommy" ryuichi said has he held out his hand to him but tommy just looked at him , ryuichi sigh then looked to tsume" tsume I'm going to be inside, call me when you're ready " ryuichi said as he kissed her on the cheek and walked inside

" what was that?! " asked tommy mad

" what was what?"

" you never told me you had a boyfriend? " he said crossing his arms

" I know ,but I know Kimi did "

" what are you talking about ,no she didn't ,she didn't tell me anything about, hot boy"

" he's name is ryuichi . Now try to remember she invited us all to come to the movies with her but I couldn't go because I was busy, so I had to cancel and I'm pretty sure after the movie she told you guys but I had a boyfriend and the reason why I didn't tell you because I get scared and don't feel like dealing with drama"

tommy stop for a minute and remembered about the movie and also remembered he wasn't actually listening to what kimi was telling him , because he wasn't really happy when tsume couldnt come

" oh yeah , im sorry tsume"

" its okay it will happen to anybody... so are we still friends? "

she asked ad she hold out her hands to him , tommy sigh and took it

" friends" tsume smile and huged him " I'm sorry it's not what you wanted but I couldn't stand hurting you if I lied to you "

tsume pulled away and gave him a kiss on the cheek making tommy blush a deep red then ryuichi walked out with sana and hana pulling on him begging him to take them to the store " tsume,your sisters wanna come to !"

Tsume sigh as she looked back at tommy and saw him sad again " how about next week you and I do something fun . It would just be the two of us "

she said tommy seem happy at this as she gave him a big smile then waved goodbye and walked over to ryuichi as tommy mead his way a cross the street he took one good look at tsume and smiled and thought maybe he still had a chance with her

Rugrats all Grown Up: My Friend From TokyoWhere stories live. Discover now