Sick day

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Tommy's POV)

Tommy was at school studying for a test until Kimi came in late again and wondered why she's been doing this, once lunch came around she told everyone the news

"She's sick?!"

Everyone said at once so as Kimi told them that tsume was sick and after school she wanted Tommy to help her

"I can't go over to her house"

Tommy said as he followed Kimi to Tsume's house

"Why not?"

"Because I'm supposed to meet up with Rachel "

"She can wait"

"and her brother hates me"

"It's ok, I set him on killing Christopher today "


"If Christopher found out tsume is sick he would be all over her and never leave her side "

Kimi said as they got there and walked through the door they were beaten by beach balls



Dice shouted

"Hey, dice I thought I said attack Chris, not me!"

"Chris is our leader now!"

Hana said picking up another ball


"He promised us candy and free games if we destroy Kimi and Tommy"

Sana said as more toys were thrown at them forcing them out of the house.

"That little rat got here when I left for school "

Kimi said angrily as she stomped around

"What do we do now that Christopher is now in control"

Tommy asked

"I don't want to cause tsunami any trouble but Christopher is asking for a Bruisin"

Kimi said

Christopher's POV)

Christopher overheard Kimi talking to tsume over the phone as she was on her way over telling her that she'll take care of her, Christopher ease dropped as he saw her brother's and her parents leave for work leaving Kimi and the little ones alone he thought to see that tsume was sick he could take care of her but first he had to get rid of Kimi, a little later kimi left the house as Christopher was making his way to the front door and opened as he was bombed with toys

"Intruder alert, Intruder Alert!"

Dice shouted as the kids picked up more toys ready to throw at Chris held his hands up in defense

"Hold on their kids, can we make a deal?"

"Kimi is our leader"

Hana said

"We need to protect big sis because she is sick"

Sana said

"Well then if kimi is your leader then I bet I would make a better leader"

"What are your offerings?"

Dice asked

"Candy and toys once tsume is better"

He said as the 3 looked at each other and smiled as they looked at Chris and agreed

"Guys, what was all that noise?"

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