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As soon as we teleported inti the living room we where met with the sound.of a.computerised woman's voice saying "WARNING...WARNING...REACTOR SIX CRITICAL HULL TEMPERATURE REACHED. ADVISING IMMEDIATE SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT EXPLOSION" then immediately after it said explosion Seth set off sprinting down the corridor whilst shouting "shit" over and over again i tried my best to keep up but i was wearing heels so I could only stumble whilst trying to keep up then the woman's voice came on again saying "EXPLOSION AVERTED THE REACTOR WILL NOW COOL UNTIL AT A SAFE TEMPERATURE" then from back down the corridor came Seth not wearing much and leaving even less to the imagination whilst yelling "HOT!HOT!NEED COLD BATH NOW!" and all i could do was laugh quietly and blush abit because he actually had quite nice abs, so after he ran past i got up and headed to my room so that i could change out of the clothes i was wearing into something comfier.

As i was changing i heard the door open and i all that was around was a towl so i instantly picked it up and held it infront of me and to my surprise there was Chris with a face as red as netherack and he was trying to say something but all that was coming out was "" and i totally lost it yelling "CHRISTEPHOR GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROOM!" and with that the door slammed shut and i heard his footsteps run down the hall and after i couldn't hear his footsteps anymore i just slumped down on to the bed and let out the biggest sigh i had ever let out.
3 hour time skip

I strolled through the gigantic house for a few hours because after what had happened i didn't really want to see Chris or Seth i just wanted a few hours to my self so i went down a grand staircase and it all looked hand made as i was going down the stairs though i spotted a picture and it was of Seth but he looked so much younger not physically but in his eyes and next to him was a shorter man with brown hair and a moustache and they where both laughing and sitting at a table which was in front of a marble and stone brick Building with big words on the front saying VEPOXX INDUSTRIES and a caption underneath it saying picture shows Vepoxx owner and founder of company and Seth technician and co founder then i read the date it was taken seven hundred years ago, how old was Seth and what happened to Vepoxx then the next picture really shocked me it was a picture of seth with his arm around a girl and they had there foreheads pushed together with a great love for each other evident in there eyes and then out of nowhere came a voice saying "her name was Skyla" and i turned around to see Seth looking at me with a very sorrowful expression on his face "she was a valkre and i was an Enderborn it wasn't ment to be" he continued and at this moment i saw something in his eyes i had only seen in Chris's eyes when he was fighting james for me, it was sorrow mixed with regret and a great passion. All i wanted to do at this moment was run up and give him a hug but when i when I looked back i noticed it was gone now replaced with his usual emotionless violet eyes "so what are you doing down here?" he asked with his usual tone now back "well i wanted to see what you had around this place and it just never stops" i told him hoping to mianite that he didn't know about what happend between me and Chris, "well you have had some alone time now stop hiding from Chris and go and talk to him" Seth said and i could instantly tell he was trying to hold back his laughter and i could tell i had.gone as red as netherack "how do you know" i said my voice nearly as quiet as a whisper "well a little birdie whos name was Chris came down stairs whilst i was watching T.V and he looked as pale as a ghost so i asked him and he told me" he said whilst chuckling nearly every other word so when he finished i lifted my head up and said with a you win voice "okay where is he now" and i instantly saw Seth's eyes glow purple then stop and he said "in the magic room messing with a power flower " and without saying anything i headed off to the room where Chris was.

Authors note

Lots of things happening will be happening soon, hopefully i will be updating on Wednesday with a very interesting chapter where lots.of.things will be happening until then bye

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