Tasks for a day of work

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Samantha's P.O.V

I woke up to the sounds of snoring from the floor which is where I saw Chris he looked horribly uncomfortable but it was light outside so I nudged him till he woke up and he was obviously not a morning person due to his response of "wake me up with your foot again and I am not to be held responsible for my actions" in a sleepy voice which just made me giggle a bit so I gestured for him to get out whilst I changed and just as I was getting ready to get undressed I realised that one I was in the Enderborn's house and two had none of my clothes and I think seth had just figured this out from outside of my room with his reaction of "oh crap!" so I told him to go and find Seth because I wasn't keen on him still, he gave me the creeps, so as Chris went searching for Seth I sat on the bed and thought to myself about how the past day had changed my life for starters a species of creature thought long dead was still here and secondly I had been taken from the only city I had ever lived in, so I sat there thinking to myself about what else could happen

*1 hour time skip*

Seth had taken Chris back to minstrel city to get some clothes and on the way back apparently ran into a spot of trouble with a few wraiths which again had been gone since the great closing of dimensions in which the Ather and the End were sealed off along with many others. When I was changed I went downstairs to see Chris wearing his usual attire of jeans and a white shirt and something I found odd was that instead of his combat gear he had been wearing yesterday Seth was wearing just a black t-shirt and I pair of black jeans and I was in one of my fancy dresses so when I came in to view I saw Chris choke on the piece of pork he was eating and I saw Chris even raise an eyebrow. "So what is the plan for today?" I ask them whilst sitting down to the table and looking at the freshly prepared breakfast infront of me,

"well I am planning on going to minstrel city to pick up some books, I need to figure out why these creatures are braking through the dimensions" seth said and even though he was the all powerful Enderborn I could not only hear the worry in his voice but also I could see the fear In his eyes, "well if you are going there can I please come with you" I asked him.

"yeah it's cool with me" Seth replied

"and what about you Chris?" I asked him just as he shoveld a fork full of food into his mouth.

"well I am doing more training and I am going to have a read up on the creatures that where locked away like Seth asked me to because it was a hell of a fight last night" he said whilst spitting food bits every where.

"yes I do need you to do that and whilst your at it you can clean up all the food you just spat every where" Seth said

"right well when everyone has finished there food we will go, okay Seth?" I say picking up my knife and fork

"yep that's fine with me" Seth said standing up "If you need me I will be in the library " and with that he was gone.

*At Minstrel city*

It was a weird sensation to be back because I had gotten used to all the peace and quiet of Seth's place and now I am back in the bustling streets of Minstrel where I was just another face in the crowd another body in an ocean of people but I had to stop thinking like this I needed to get to work. I clocked in with under 5 minutes to spare and went to see the mayor when I got to his office I saw him sitting in his chair, his eyes bloodshot like he had been up for hours and as pale as a ghost. "mayor Adams are you okay!" I say to him in a panicked voice and in a very faint weak almost scared voice I heard him say "it is happening the creatures from the old stories are coming Back and they are looking for him" then he passed out I rang an ambulance and it arrived after a few minutes they took him to the hospital apparently he had had a heart attack and it didn't look good. I had to find Seth he would know what to do.

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