The way of the blade

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I had just got back from the meeting with the gods and as I had predicted it had been a long one, for starters mianite had been going on about all the people who had been trapped outside of the ather when it had sealed and that consisted of one valkyre who had instantly gone missing and somebody's pet moa that had been found two days later on a barbecue but it still took him nearly three hours to explain them and then all hell broke lose between dianite and mianite over something that happened a few hundred years ago so all in all a very slow session.

Walking around my house I found the girl named Samantha lay fast asleep on my sofa all alone which confused me cause if she was here then where was Chris. "Samantha wake up I need to talk to you." I gently said to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" she yelled at me.

"be quite I just had to put up with two yelling gods and I am not in the mood for shouting." I said to her but did she listen,  oh no she just carried on screaming so I used a little magic to put her to sleep for a bit. Now time to find where Chris has gotten to.


I found a training room with some swords and decided it was time to try and learn how to use weapons if I was going to be staying in a house with an Enderborn so I picked up a rapier like the one I saw in the room before and held it like seth showed me and it did feel comfier so I started attacking the training dummy and to my surprise it worked it pierced the armour easily and sinking into the sack that was under the armour and leaving deep gouges again and again I attacked it with such fury until I heard "well well, for someone who couldn't even hold a rapier a few hours ago you are sure beating the shit out of that dummy." coming from Seth it seemed an incredible compliment.
"thanks...I guess." I replied.
"aha so I am off to bed that meeting with the gods has eaten all my energy, oh and Samantha won't wake up for a few hours" he said whilst fighting off a yawn
"why?" I questioned
"well some irresponsible fool with magic woke her up and she wouldn't stop screaming so the irresponsible fool may have used some sleeping magic on her to shut her up." he said as if it was nothing
"YOU DID WHAT!" I yelled at him suddenly he launched himself at me and pinned me to the ground and said in the deadliest most poisonous voice I had heard in my whole life "you will treat me as either an equal or as a friend I don't want you to ever raise tour voice to me ever again or else I will feed you and your precious girlfriend to the beast's of the night have you got that?"
"yes." I spat back at him.
"good well see you in the morning and don't let the bed bugs bite, seriously I think there is a swarm the size of a country somewhere in here." he said his voice a friendly jokey one I had heard before it was as if he had changed into a different person and when I looked back to see if he was there gone completely gone with no trace.

Samantha's P.O.V
I woke up with such a headache it was insane and went to look around for Chris cause I had somethingI had to talk about with him then I heard grunts and screams coming from down the corridor so I ran to see what it was and when I saw what it was I was so shocked to see Chris with sword in hand stabbing and slashing at a dummy each time inflicting great damage I was surprised to see him doing this cause I didn't think he had ever even held a sword forget used one so but I saw a gleam in his eye I had only ever seen once

Flash back
when he first met me and he had been in bar where my ex-boyfriend had beaten me and was dragging me outside Chris saw it all "no James let go of me please I don't want to be hurt,please!" I pleaded to him
"quiet bitch we are gonna get in that car and I am going to fuck you and you will love it" he said in a drunken slur when I first met James I was a very different person and now he was a drunk and I had just landed a job as the assistant of the mayor but he didn't care then suddenly out of nowhere came a voice "oi you.. Yeah you the big one let go of her" it came from a guy smaller than James but he looked like he wasn't afraid
"you don't know who you are talking to little guy run off and stop trying to be a hero" James yelled at the stranger
"well let go of her and get your fat ass over here so I can see who beats a woman and give him a taste of his own medicine."
James let go of me and ran at the smaller guy and just as he was about to land a punch the smaller guy just ducked and punched James in the gut, every time James went to punch him he ducked or weaved and landed a punch until James hit the floor then the small guy walked over to me and picked me up and said "my names Chris I am going to take you to hospital okay?" all I could do was nod then I blacked out
End of flash back
And after remembering that I decided to leave him to his attacking and went to bed to get some sleep.

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