what goes around comes back to bite you in the ass

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Seth's P.O.V
I felt weird walking through the streets of the city it was all so busy there where shops everywhere and no reminders of the past like I had expected because I still remember the horrific message that this city sent out in the war and the cries of the children, and the adults all attacking each other for food because in the great war where the Enderborns which where my race fought the valkyries the humans and Minecraftians had no choice but to try and stand together and just hope to their gods that the war didn't get to them.  But it did...it reached everywhere ravaging the land and destroying races but all this was only seven hundred years ago and yet there is still no trace of it here but I still needed to find a man about a woman.

When I got to the shop where he was I walked in and instantly recognized the smell of his after shave "it has been a while since I have seen you here old friend" came a voice from the back of the shop and there he was over the tool forge crafting a new bald with such precision that every movement made to the hot steel was like an operation but this wasn't even his finest quality work "yes I have missed you too" I replied hugging the oldest friend I had Vepoxx he was one of the last Minecraftians and he was also my friend for he had fought alongside me in the battle of Arcadia and liberated the eleven town of Hargool with me "God Damon it Seth you are looking" he chuckled to me "I could say the same you cheeky sod" I replied with
"drink?" he asked me
"No thanks friend I am here on important business" I said and I knew he saw the guilt in my eyes cause he patted me on the back and said "maybe another time soon yeah, anyway if you are not here to get completely wasteful we normally do then what have you come to see me for?"
So I started telling him the tale of the recent attacks and when I had finished I could not only see but also sense the anger radiating from him because when the Enderborns had locked away the creatures of evil it was because they had massacred hundreds of thousands and one of them was Vepoxx's pregnant wife Gabriel and also his son Lukas and this had changed Vepoxx because he lost his family the giant company Vepoxx industries had been lost which was the company that me and him had set up to show the worlds that species could work with each other but the creatures of evil had destroyed that.
"are you okay?" I asked him quietly to which he just nodded and said "if I see any of the bastard creatures then I will ask it how and why before I brutally murder it" in a dark cold emotionless voice to which I was worried about.

Time skip 1 hour
suddenly after I left Vepoxx's blacksmiths I felt a sudden connection with Samantha and all I felt through it was fear so I teleported to her and the reaction I got from teleporting in front of her was her suddenly having a small screaming fit then punching me In the face " what the hell is wrong with you I almost had a heart attack" she screamed at me luckily she can't punch to save her life
"obviously you don't like me doing that" I said chuckling a little bit because of how bad of a punch it was "your Damn right I don't like that you moron especially after the news I just got" she said calming down a bit more "what did information did you get?" I said begging to feel more worried at what her answer might be "well my boss just had a heart attack but before he passed out he said to me that the creatures of the old times are coming back and they are looking for him or something along those lines" she said looking more uncomfortable by the second "he means the creatures of evil and that is bad really bad, did you get your clothes" I say the fear and panic rising in from inside me like a serpent was trying to get out of me "yeah I just got them" she said and I could see that she looked scared and then I said "good because we need to get away from here very quickly" and with that we teleported back to my house

and I am finally starting to update my chapters more regularly yay :)

So I will hopefully make a schedule of updating times or I will just write them and release them as and when I am happy with them now tell for the shallow bit which you will hate me for.

please rate and follow it lets me know if you are enjoying it and if you think I am being stupid and I am doing it all wrong comment on the chapter (or bit) and tell me how to improve and I will listen or send me a message like "your stupid you are ridiculous listen you should do it lime this... dumb ass" I will also listen

So now peace out guys enjoy your selfs and be careful of zombies they bite.

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