well that was unexpected..

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After going to get Samantha and bringing her into the living room I finally got her to sit down and not spit words at seth, which I didn't even know she knew, we were finally able to get started asking questions.

What to say is the only thing running through my mind "where are we" I ask him hoping to sound confident. "well you are in my home which is about thirty miles from Stoneholm." he replied his voice sounded like it was nothing but Stoneholm which is the mountain home of the dwarfs was at least three days away from minstrel and that is on horseback, "How long where we asleep for?" Samantha asked from the other side of the room. "about five hours" he replied, "b-b-but how could we have travelled here that fast?!" Samantha asked but with such a scared voice I had to go over to her and make sure she was calm. "well I used a bit of magic to teleport here and brought you two cause after I killed the ogre I wanted to find out what had made it focus on you so I brought you here to fin-" he was cut off by an Alarm and a message which said "ATTENTION ATTENTION EMERGENCY COUNCIL WITH GODS" at which he just rolled his eyes and said "I will be right back" then disappeared


I teleported into the council room just as mianite got there he was god of the minecraftia and me and him weren't on great terms because I was the last of my kind so had inherited the god status from the queen of the end when she died so he didn't think of me as a worthy god then came dianite god of the realm we know as the nether he was basically a devil, all he wanted was destruction of peace him and mianite were brothers and hated each other to (which made me think who doesn't mianite hate?) me and him had a rivalry because he had plagued the beautiful realm of minecraftia with evil creatures for no reason, and still the god of purity from the realm of the ather didn't arrive.

"we are here because there is a new lead on why the realm of the ather was closed" mianite started off with to which me and dianite, even with our differences, both looked at him and let out sighs of boredom. This was going to take a while


As soon as he teleported out of the room I went to stand up to have a look around and I found that I couldn't because Samantha was holding me looking up at me with so much fear and in the most hoarse town she said "Chris I am scared." then she just broke down crying to which I sat there and cradled her to sleep, obviously she was tired because after five minutes she fell asleep. When she was asleep I managed to sneak up and have a look around as I inspected more of the place I found rooms with unimaginable things in them like machines which I had only seen in newspapers because scientists were still trying to figure them out because of how advanced they were and in other rooms I walked in and could instantly feel the magical aura all around me. The only thing I could think of was how powerful is this Enderborn.


I have finally updated and added one of these talking things on the end (I think they are called authors notes)

I do enjoy writing these things but I just forget to and suddenly a whole chapter is gone out of my head but I will try to keep updating.

Please rate and comment and tell me if you love it of if you hate it or what you feel cause if I have your advice I will try and make it better for you.

Dedicated to isoldmysoultobands because she kept telling me it was good and didn't let me give it up

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