Chapter #2

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Emma's POV~

When Ray grabbed my hand, and began walking me down stairs to be with everyone else for lunch.. I felt my whole body relax. I couldn't begin to describe this happy feeling I was receiving from the warmth of his hand.  It made me feel safe..

As I was in thought, I almost missed how we were already down and at the table. Everyone else was nearly finished, and some already left to go outside and play!

Ray said he wasn't hungry but.. I know he just came because he was worried about me!

"Hey, Emma.. aren't you going to eat?"

As I was looking to Ray, I nearly missed how he was talking to me.


"I'm sorry! What was that?.."

I tried to smile to make things not seem so suspicious, but once again.. he can see right through me!

Before I knew it, he was standing up out of his seat and coming straight towards me..

"Ray, is everything oka-" before I could finish speaking, he cut me off.

"Emma! Don't space out so much, geez..."

"W-what.. I!.."

I couldn't think of anything to say at that moment, so I closed my eyes and just kept smiling. I heard the sound of a chair pulling out, and opened my eyes to see Ray sitting next to me.


"Don't talk. Eat."

"But your-"



With that, I began to eat. My lunch was already cold, but it didn't bother me since I was kind of use to it by now..


No One's POV~

Emma finished eating, and Ray was still by her side, sitting next to her. He wanted to wait for her, but didn't want to make it obvious. Being as good of friends as they are, It was natural.

Emma turned her head to Ray with a cheerful grin, before she suddenly jumped out of her seat.

"I'm all done!"

"Lets go play with everyone else!" she said, happily.

Ray sighed and also sat up from his seat, and they both headed outside.

As Ray and Emma were walking out, they both were quickly greeted by Don, and Phil.

"Hey! look who finally decides to show up!" teased, Don.

"Yay! Emma and Rays here!" shouted, Phil, excitedly.

Ray didn't return much of a reaction, but Emma on the other hand.. she was all for it!

From bestfriends,  to lovers~ (Ray x Emma)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora