Chapter #6

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"Okay! So who wants to go first?" said, Emma with a smile.

They all looked at her and then around the room at eachother.

"Anyone?" she then said.

Anna raised her hand and said, "I'll go first I guess!"

Emma gave her a grin and motioned her to start, so Anna looked at them all, deciding who her target will be.

"Hm.. okay, I choose to pickkk-"

She continued to scan the room, until her eyes land on Gilda.

"Gilda!" she shouted, with a smile.

Gilda looked around, then straight at Anna, "Me!?.."

Anna nodded her head, still smiling. "Truth or Dare?" she then asked, Gilda.

Everyones eyes were now glued on Gilda, as she was trying to decide what to pick.

Finally, she kept her eyes on Anna, and gave a confident smile.

"I'll go with truth!"

"Aww, finee-" replied, Anna.

"Okay.. so umm let's see.." she paused, and thought of what to ask, until something came to her mind.

"Do you actually like Don's pranks?"

Gilda's eyes opened a bit more in suprise of the question, and she looked to Don, who seemed to be worried about something.

She then turned her attention back on, Anna, "Well I.. um.."

Gilda lowered her head, and closed her eyes tight.

"Sometimes they can be.. a bit much.. I guess.." she then barely stated.

Don looked at her with a guilty face, but shook it off and went along with things.

"My pranks aren't that bad guys, come on!" he said.

Emma giggled at them, causing Ray to look.

"Sorry, Don!.." replied, Gilda, as sweat dropped from her forehead.

Anna laughed, and then tapped Gilda's shoulder, causing her to look.

"It's your turn!" she said.


"Umm.. truth or dare, Emma!" she said, smiling towards her.

"Hmm... dare!"

Everyone's attention was on Emma.

"I dare you to-" she paused the same as Anna did, until she thought of something.

"Tell us a secret that you wouldn't tell anyone!"

Emma had sweat slowly build to her forehead, but she was quick to hide it, and smile through as if she wasn't nervous, but Ray understood why she was.

From bestfriends,  to lovers~ (Ray x Emma)Where stories live. Discover now