The Training Begins

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Third Person POV:

"Okay Goku, your training begins now!" Daishinkan stated, clicking a stopwatch. Daishinkan told Goku that the training ended once he mastered his abilities. That would probably take around five years. The training was happening at a inhabited planet in beetween the barriers of space and time. This planet didn't belong to one universe so all Angels and Gods of Destructions trained there.

Goku tapped into his Angel Ki, letting out a shockwave. The wind blew faster and the ground shook. "Enter Ultra Instinct please." Goku focused his Ki and a aura surrounded his body. "Now, I would like you to try and fight me just so I can estimate your power level." Daishinkan said.

Goku flew towards the Grand Priest, charging threw the sky. Goku threw a fist out, only to be stopped by a shield of energy. Daishinkan broke the shield, making Goku fall down into the dirt. Daishinkan flew down to where Goku was lying and he kicked him up out of the dirt. The leader of Angels continued to punch and kick the Saiyan until he was thrown into a mountainside.

Goku panted, exhausted. Goku got up, only to be knocked down by Daishinkan. Goku flew up, getting around the Grand Priest. While Goku was flying, Daishinkan opened a portal straight where Goku was. Goku flew into the portal and rammed his head straight into the mountainside. "I will stop this fight as it's quite clear where it's going." Daishinkan announced. Goku just nodded. "I now know that your power level is very high, but there still must be much work done for you to gain an Angel's power."

"I will be teaching you how to open a portal. However, each person's portal is as powerful as their Ki. I will be teaching you a portal equal to Whis' and greater than Piccolo. I will just be teaching you the base form. You will learn other forms of this such as Hyperspace Punch, Dimensional Hole, and Vice Shout later in our training." Daishinkan said, making Goku quite excited. "The first step is focusing your Ki. Then you need to project it from your hands and form a circle with it. You must think about making a portal, and the destination where you want to go." Daishinkan said, demonstrating while doing it.

Goku attempted after his mentor. On his first try, it started to form but eventually flickered out. However, on his second try, the portal opened and stayed. "I did it!" Goku exclaimed, jumping.

"Yes, you did. Now go through it." Goku stepped forward and jumped into the circle of energy. Goku reappeared about fifty yards away from his original position. Goku opened another portal and came back to where he was. "Nice job! Your first lesson is complete! Now, want to figure out how you redirect a Ki Blast through a portal?"

Word Count: 479

AN: If anybody wants certain techniques for Goku to master, please comment them down below. See you next chapter!

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